No, there is no such thing as PvP gear. I'm referring to the gear sold for Crucible marks, which, granted, is not designed specifically for PvP. Just saying, raid gear is still better for PvE, so I don't really understand what everyone is so bent out of shape about if they don't do PvP, why not just buy gear that's sold for Vanguard marks so they can get to a high enough light level to do the raid, and then use the raid gear?
It isnt always about having the best gear. Its about the options. My personal example is the void 77 wizard only available through crucible marks. If i want a void fusion rifle for PvE I have to play PvP to get it? Thats terrible. If this game was solely about minmaxing it wouldnt be very interesting either would it? Not to mention raid drops are random so why say just use raid items when in reality you may not even get the best stuff from the raid?