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12/3/2014 1:16:24 AM
i just played on my gf account doing crucible for the marks. i walked in circles around the spawn point and shot up in the air. i did not care who won or lost, i was just there to get the marks. i got my 2 marks, now i only need 63 more to buy that pair of legendary gauntlets. that is only 35 more pointless matches when i could have been walking on venus picking up spirit bloom and having FUN. i could be drunk sniping cabal heads on mars as i slowly walk my way around the relic iron route. i could be bladedancing my way around the moon getting ascendant materials (or motes of light) to upgrade her legendaries from public events between times i could collect helium. and if i have vanguard marks from any strikes i do i can buy any materials i need to upgrade her guns and armor if i do not have enough left over from selling what i collected. but NO, they killed pvE, so i will have to see you in the crucible along with several thousand of my pissed off pvE-only players. you could pray really hard that we are not on your team, or bungie could add back in materials for marks, either one will do just fine. the pvP players hated farming pvE for upgrade materials and you gave them the option to buy them, but in doing so you oddly took away the pvE players ability to sell materials for marks and forced us to play pvP. well, you got what you got, a bunch of useless pvE players clogging up Crucible just to get marks. Even Lord Shaxx is pissed off about us being in there. is it really that hard to add four more slots to the UI? the code for selling materials for marks was already there. the exchange rate is fine since exploiting it only loses you marks. take away the rep if you are worried about that being exploited. just let the pvE players collect the collectables and sell them for marks like before and continue to the pvP players buy their upgrade materials like they do now. and everybody will be happy. in their own little world. or miserable in what used to be the crucible. love, linhue "cayde-6 wants to meet. bring a side arm."

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