This update is why I am now going to quit this game. I've been getting Material saved up for Marks and now I can't do ANYTHING with them. Thank You Bungie for being a bunch of idiots. You got my money for the expansion, when I knew I should have quit while I was just bored with playing by myself (everyone I know that wants to play with actual friends in a proper "fireteam" have quit) I will go back to playing Battlefield 4.
Sure, mats have no other use than for marks....oh wait you are an idiot.
Agreed! Add me to your fire tram and we can do the vault :)
[quote]Agreed! Add me to your fire tram and we can do the vault :)[/quote] I never can get on until after midnight. The way the update is, I don't wanna waste a couple hours to get relic iron or spinmetal.
-'re not really up for pve either. ok. what are you doing here.
Bump. Major bump.
I just downloaded the BF4 last DLC...going back myself. I even have the NEW COD...going to dust that off too. Destiny was fun...but Bungie is taking the life out of it now.