To fix the unique issue, they should have a way of upgrading any piece of gear to light level 30. That way everyone can get to 30 for all the power bonuses and all but everyone can look different too.
This is what I would like to see for both gear and weapons. Having this would allow me to look the way I want to and keep the weapons that I love. As it stands now, only way to 30 is raid + IB + xur/rng. Only so many varieties that you can do before you run out of combinations. Also DLC coming so all of your 30 gear worthless...look the same again everyone.
Like vanity armor in Terraria?
How about just allow me to transmogrify the gear I'm wearing into any of the gear I've previously collected? Bam! It gives us an incentive to work toward otherwise useless faction gear sets.
I loved doing this in D3! And I would love doing this in Destiny *__*
Stole the idea from d3!