You are allowed to understand the meaning of balance, a key concept in a multiplayer game and stop whining because the developers of such game are trying to find the sweet spot, the balance of all guns, avoiding the ridiculously overpowered and cheap solutions or we will (ab)use half a dozen of OP toys.
Actually there are some guns broken to hell in Destiny, basically all the 1H1K guns that abuse the insane and casual auto-aim of this game: fusion rifles (broken beyond repair, 1H1K, auto-aim, unbeatable at short and mid range...being the infinity the epitome of broken noob-tube with its auto feature), the shotguns (at least they have a small disadvantage, the range) and gunslinger super.
H8 is Gr8?
Only certain fusions are actually that powerful IMO, side stepping a fusion shot is fairly easy for me, and with found verdict or a decent scout if they aren't in the perfect spot at the right time they are completely screwed.