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Edited by Dabsta: 12/18/2014 10:27:04 PM

What am I allowed to play with?

So...these forums are often flooded with "that's OP" and "Those are so Cheap, you must be a noob!" "Nerf because..." Blah Blah Blah, you get the picture. So guardians, what am I allowed to use? Primarys? Autos: The weapon of Noobs apparently, if I use even the worst of these I have no skill. Pulses: The weapon of Idiots, this gets outclassed by everything apparently, and only a fool (like myself) would use them! HCs: The toss up gun, if you use these it's cause they're too OP. Unless it's a garbage weapon, then your an idiot for using it. It's a lose lose. Scouts: The accepted gun? After the latest buff, Scout's stopped being talked about. Am I allowed to use these? Or am I Trash for considering using these in an predominantly CQB Crucible? Specials? No. You can't use any special weapon. You're a garbage player for considering any of the three. Especially Shotties and FRs. And also, especially Sniper Rifles. Other players can smell the garbage stank coming out of their TV's should anyone switch to a special weapon. Heavys? Don't use these either. They breed butthurt so fast, if you don't clench your sphincter nerf threads will ooze down your leg and into your pants. Did I get that right Guardians? Or am I missing something? Also, which scout rifles are OP or are not worth using? Cause, it's the only gun I'll be using for the next 10 years and I want to make sure I accommodate everyone while also not being Trash. Thanks for all your help! Edit: It has come to my attention, that Ninjas may be lurking in my thread. Reply at your own risk. Edit2: this thread looks like it's coming back from the dead! I'll start replying again if it keeps getting attention.

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  • My answer: Yourself. You Sir, are permitted to play with yourself. After all, it's only natural.

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    2 Replies
    • You're allowed to play with your starting weapon.

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      5 Replies
      • My timepiece laughs at all the noobs who think pulse rifles suck

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        2 Replies
        • Bitch slaps. From now on, just bitch slaps. (Closed fist is op)

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          • It's not the gun its the player

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            • This. This so much.

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              • Edited by ThanatosTheHound: 11/21/2014 9:40:50 PM
                everything is op….destiny itself is op.. just thought everyone should know

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                • I think you are blowing it out of proportion. The whine on this forum is nothing compared to other games, I dont even think its bad tbh. Right now I don't think there is anything thats OP except Fusion Rifles, they are simply too easy and too good, and dont have any real counters (imo) like shotgun has. Then there is Surous Regime, I don't know if I'd call it OP, it is extremly easy and very very strong so I guess its better than most, but not OP - since you can counter it with TLW or better shooting. There are a lot of lame things like shoulder charge or hooming grenades (seroiusly wtf..) and getting one shotted to supers. I guess you just have to accept that this is the way they want PvP in this game. Fortunatly most ''lame'' things have counters, except fusion rifles the only counter to that is if the user has bad aim, and I wouldn't really call that a counter..

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                  2 Replies
                  • Apparently I have an aimbot because I'm good a quick scoping and got 43 kills against a team of 6 who sucked infinite ass and won with randoms -.- the guy mustve been butt hurt because I ripped his mouth off so many times as he rushed me with his shotgun lol

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                    13 Replies
                    • You're right. It bugs me. I'm pretty versatile myself - I use a lot of different weapons. I like using an auto rifle though on close maps. Suros is one of my favorite guns, and I mash the trigger to make it fire faster. That's not really that easy to do.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Great question, and I'm glad you asked! Here's my advice to you, good sir (or ma'am, as the case may be): To be 100% safe and guard against any potential flaming, you should not be playing this or any game at all until you can prove beyond any doubt that you came into existence not as a human infant, but as a higher being born of the Light of the Cosmos, with the gods having bestowed upon you all knowledge and uber 1337 gamer skillz for all the games in history and all possible futures, and were never once a noob at anything. Ever. Once you have that taken care of, you should only enter the crucible unarmed and naked, smiting your enemies with your glorious presence alone - which even then will be decried as being OP. Occasionally, to mix things up, it is advised that you win at least 5 crucible matches in a row with your console unplugged and wrapped in a lead blanket, using only mental telepathy to win matches. To prove that you are not glitching, it is strongly recommended that you take the time to go to the houses of each and every one of your competitors and physically play along side them, so that they can bear witness to your superhuman abilities with their own mortal eyes, lest any doubt be cast on the enormity of your prowess. Then, finally, to protect yourself from being accused of being the uber elitist that you are, be sure to openly post about your willingness to cheerfully help random nub scrubs (i.e. all us lvl 29's), who don't have the ability to git gud and earn phat lewts from RNGeezus on their own.

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                        9 Replies
                        • If you have them, use every weapon currently being bitched about in the forums. Then and only then, as you lay waste to your opponents, tea bag the hell out of each and every corpse created by your OPness. As your hate mail begins to overflow your inbox, declare yourself king of all in the great kingdom of scrubby n00bville and lord your fantabulous k/d all over the forums. All while chanting "Nanny nanny boo boo." See you star side, Guardian. PS, DANCE!

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                          3 Replies
                          • The only thing that grinds my gears is the amount of super spam. :l I really would love a crucible mode that had zero supers.

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                            • Only melee and the bubble. It keeps you immobile so you don't accidentally sneak up on someone or shoot at someone. Then, if they accept your gentlemanly dule request they can enter your bubble and initiate fisticuffs. As a matter of courtesy others should refrain from popping bubbles with their super. Likewise, to keep things fair, no blinding bubble.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Haha

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                                • Perfect post for all these tireless threads that bitch about every gun that everyone has access to.

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                                  • I melee. I think that's what we are supposed to use.

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                                    • Lol

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Edited by ARX_Frag4U: 11/21/2014 9:42:11 PM
                                        I say "Eff what other people say or think". Play the game the way you want to play it. You paid for it.

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                                        • Well said sir!

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                                          • Haha very nice point. Love this post I agree.

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                                            2 Replies
                                            • One of the best posts on the boards! Thanks

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                                              2 Replies
                                              • You forgot Supers dude. You're not allowed to use Arc Blade cuz it has too much range and people can just spam melee You're not allowed to use Golden Gun cuz yet again it has too much range and its "not fair" to get one hit kills You're not allowed to use Nova Bomb cuz it's a panic button and there's no way to kill them while using it You're not allowed to use Radiance cuz they can just kill you with melee right after they revive or they can toss "unlimited" grenades You're not allowed to use Ward of Dawn cuz you're a coward if you do, and yet again, it is "not fair" to control one area of the map You're not allowed to use Fist of Havoc cuz, yet again, it is a panic button and is too hard to kill them while using it ...oh wait, so if every Super needs a nerf.... *drum roll* THEN NONE OF THEM NEED A NERF!!!! *mind blown* Thank you thank you, yes i know, i am a genius. Oh? Whats this!? A nobel peace prize? Why thank you, Obama, Kim Jung Un, and ISIS. I'm glad we can all agree on something...

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                                                6 Replies
                                                • I think Taylor swift made a song about this subject. Criers gone cry,cry,cry,cry ,cry....... Use what you want, I do. I pick based off the map and choose what i think i'll get the most kills with. Anyone that says your a noob for choosing a particular gun, probably got shot in the face with it so many times, they can only cry about it from beyond the grave.

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                                                  3 Replies
                                                  • sir congrats. im not sure i could of said all that better myself. let them cry. its your game to. play with what works for you and you have fun with

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                                                    • You forgot to mention no grenade spamming or super use.

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