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11/21/2014 2:22:04 PM

Grenade glitch

Before you read this I know the strategy with these grenades, I know that you can just throw them into the room and they will arc to players. But that's not what's happening here. Hunters and Warlocks are getting an unfair advantage with their arcbolt and sunbolt grenades, correct me if I'm wrong (I've only been a titan) On many occasions I've watched as fire and lightning burst threw walls damaging and sometimes killing me. I know the arcbolt can chain off players, but it can't if I'm the only one on the other side. And so all of you can understand what is happening, I'll explain what has happened. I'm playing control, there's a wall between me and the enemy, I'm nowhere near the entrance into the hallway on the other side of me. My teammate gets into the hallway on the other side and gets a grenade thrown at them. Now the arcbolt shouldn't be able to arc beacuse there's a wall and I'm nowhere near my teammate. But it does and clearly I see the arcbolt and sunbolt phase right through the wall and hit me. Even if my teammate wasn't on the other side of the wall and I'm completely alone, the arcbolt grenade or the sunbolt grenade still phases through the wall. Now it might just be some walls and not all of them and since I can't start a custom game , I can't test it with my friends. But you should be able to Bungie. I'm not asking for the grenades to be nerfed but for the collision to be fixed. If my Titans lightning grenade can't kill people through the wall, their grenades shouldn't be either. And lastly just to add in the Titans lightning grenade says that it can stick to any surface, just like the hunters mine, my grenade should stick to players d well. It would be awesome to see a dead body spouting electricity after getting stuck. So please either fix that or change the description of the lightning grenade. And please fix the Arcbolt and the Sunbolt grenades.

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