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11/20/2014 11:27:39 AM
Feedback was asked for and so if I suggest a ship vault or extra vault space or materials to be treated like glimmer, you're saying that those ideas may not be good for some....who? Why? I'm eliminating loading screens unnecessary back and forth to tower and switching chars. That not good for everyone? It's your opinion good sir, not a fact. Just saying...

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  • Just becuase you want something does not mean it is needed or good for the game. the reason to go to the tower each time is to turn in boutnies, pick up more, buy items from venders. so having the vault be there only makes perfect sence. having it on the ship is for the impatient or the lazy who do not want to waste a few moments time to go to the tower..

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  • You don't sound poisonous outright, but your viewpoint causes apathy and maintains the status quo. There is no point to it. We no longer churn our own butter because it was a pain. People who wanted to make it easier weren't lazy. They helped humanity. We no longer sew our own clothes. I do not need to work as hard as my grandfather, etc. People should provide feedback, and if enough people agree then that feedback should be used. This is how a game evolves. Stating that anyone who wants something to be more convenient is lazy is an ad hominem argument. Instead of talking about whether the change is a good idea or not, you are attacking the person trying to invalidate the argument. This has no bearing on whether or not it is a good idea. You should instead say why you think it is a bad idea and support it as best you can. That is the most help to any debate.

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  • It does not cause apathy at all. It is called speaking the other side. all idea's have two sides. not just one ever. Not all improvements are improvments for many do cause laziness in the how we now live no matter how much easier it made it. Easier is akin to lazier. If you need something else to do it for you, then you are lazy. Just like people who rely on cell phones and texst messages now instead of just calling someone and speaking to them directly. People can provide feedback, but not all feedback is good or should be considered or done. And no just because a lot think it it does not make it so nor does it mean it should be done. For these forums are a minority of the players not the majority. yes wanting something to be easier is lazy or having of little impatience and needing gratifcation quicker than really is needed but only wanted. Not here to get in a debate or long discussion, just to provide my own feedback even if is seen negative by those who disagree with it. I have allready stated my reasons as to why. That just because some think is good or cool or needed does not make it as so nor has it ever made it as so nor should it ever make it so. it is the developers to make the final choice if is good or not, needed or not and should be or not in the game. Not the player. the player only gives idea's the developers then decide if is viable according to how they see the game progressing and not just based upon some players on a forum and what they want intsead.

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  • It is only speaking the other side if you back it up with reasoning. Opinion for opinions sake with an attack on those who think otherwise does not in any way count as speaking the other side, it only attempts to invalidate the other side through directly attacking those with a different viewpoint ;p The laziness you speak of lead to modern computing so that machines could do our jobs for us. You wouldn't have Destiny without the laziness you are referring to resulting in innovation. Human beings will always want to make life easier on themselves. If you equate that to laziness that is up to you, but in that case you can't deny the inherent good qualities of that laziness. Included in the benefits would be enjoyment of a game that you play for fun. All feedback should be considered. All thoughts examined. There is no downside to looking through what is provided from the community to see if there are grains of truth, good ideas, and good innovation. There is however a negative to ignoring feedback and limiting your scope of information and ideas since it is possible for a small group to miss out on what is wanted by many. There is also no point in you stating that they don't NEED to do anything. That is obvious. No law or power demands it. It is however in their benefit to form a symbiotic relationship with the community. You have responded to all these posts. You clearly are here for the debate regardless of what you say. You say you don't need the approval of others. As if you are the loan voice of reason, incredibly self sure in all that you say. A true realist that the sheep can't ever quit understand. It comes off as though you look down on all the commoners from your ivory tower or from that fine looking high horse you are riding :) However it is clear that isn't quite the case. You provided no actual arguments for the opposite side, no healthy debate. What you provide is not for human betterment and doesn't describe how most businesses currently work. There is nothing real about that. Everything you are saying has you looking like a narcissist and a pessimist masquerading as a realist desperately wanting your voice to be heard and then telling all those who oppose you that you don't need there approval. Instead I think you would benefit greatly from trying to be part of the community. Even if your viewpoint is different from the group you can constructively say way by arguing against it with viable viewpoints thus creating a healthy debate and leading everyone to the best conclusion. I hope you understand that I am not talking badly about you directly, but instead showing you how you are coming off with the statements you have made. Frankly I don't know you. You might be a great person. But what you currently provide... leaves much to be desired. Your voice is calling for apathy, stating that change to make things easier is lazy. It is a direct attack on those that believe it and results in a lack of changes and inaction. It definitely results in apathy whether you care to admit it or not. No one said wholeheartedly that a developer MUST implement what they are saying. That would be impossible. What is being asked is that it is considered. At that point the devs can get feedback, decide if it helps the game, etc. But all info should be considered, there are only benefits. Also, it's a freaking engram. Lighten up man.

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  • No it is not speaking the other side only if you back it up with lots of reasons. You dont have to do it that way all the time. I dont have to debate in the maner that you think is the proper manner. I dont have to discuss in the maner that you think is the proper manner. Opinnions are speaking the other side no matter if you think so or not. Not everyone has to discuss/debate in the manner you think is correct and by them not doing so does it make it any less valid either. As toward not having computers or games, would not matter for yes these are just devices of laziness no mater how fun they can be. Not all improvements made are true improvments and helpful to the human race as much as some like to claim they are. people become dependant upon them and cannot function without them because they have become to lazy. Easy is not always better or for the better. Feedback should be looked at yes, and considered with a hefty grain of salt and not just implemented or tried just becuase some on a forum think so ever. there is no such thing as a sybiotic relationship with the community for the community does not really know what it wants or if it is good or not. It only knows what a few want and think is good which may not actually be good at all. Not all idea's are good or worht the time to look in to to see if can be done or not. No, not here for the debate. I am devils advocate so speak regardless of what others feel or think for no real reason other than to speak that other side and express the possible negative response that is often unsaid and not wanted to be said by the OP or others in the post that blinly agree for the sake of agreeing. No, I am a relist. I dont need the approval of others ever. Only the idealist needs the approval of others all the tiem and cannot handle anyone that disagree's. Again I do not have to discuss or debate in the maner that you think is correct. Not everyone has to or will just becasue youn think they should. Not everyone ahs to care if you dont like how they respond or change to fit how you want them to respond. I know how I come off to others here and I do not worry about it. I am not here to be liked or popular or make friends on a forum. I do not do such things or believe in them at all. People here are nothing more than a name/nick and nothing mroe than an aquaintance ever. Never of any importance beyond that, nor do I expect them to think differently of me either. I am far beyond that way of thinking about the internet or so called communities which really do not exist but in the minds of the people that think they do. It is not apathy, for not all things need change all the time. Not all things do change or have to change or should be changed just becuasce it may be possible. And as stated I am simply providing my feedback that it is not needed and only wanted which are two seperate things. And wants do not always need to be met or given into just becuase some think they would be good if done so.

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