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11/20/2014 11:17:23 AM
Also, crafting. Suggested this awhile back. You're idea sounds rather fun and immersive. I just said to use the parts you collect during patrol and have those apply to certain abilities then use around 3-7 motes to form a light stone or shard or fragment, thesaurus it up, and that allows you to start turning commons into rare. You eventually build your own set, name it and put out a request for approval by speaker, i.e. Dev team. (so nothing's so OP like a super stable ranged shotty or an infinity pistol that let's you cloak every 5 seconds, etc. though I do like this Infinity Pistol idea....sounds pretty sweet except without the 5 second shit. Maybe guns can develop activated abilities? Cooldowns, melee thrust with Red Death, one free self revive per mission...) Which I'll segue into this idea; Potions, or vials or flasks or again thesaurus, should be added. Why? What mission in Halo or any CODs did you not have access to a medikit? This us borderline RPG right? So let us buy 5 health potions instead of heavy ammo from Xur (or add it in). Three types of potions. 1. Health: Standard vial of self revitalizing cells that spread throughout your body rapidly mending any damage. Ghosts share a collective sigh of relief. Cool down 1 and a half minutes. 5 limit held per char. 3-5 motes per bottle. 2. Mana; A bright white liquid with specks of gold (not cinnamon flavored) that break through the luminescent liquid to add to it's shine. Super Bar Energy refill. 3 use per mission. It's effects can be deadly if taken often. It can sap your light away if overdone. Reason for limit. 3 coins per vial. 3. Revive; Sure we got a class that can do it once their super is up. But don't you wanna bring back somebody sometimes. Or yourself when super juice isn't available and you're rockin a Titan or Hunter and suddenly that Supplicant blows up cuz your buddy ran past and the explosion killed you. Say now your buddy is running and everyone else is busy you can do a "Selfie" on yourself and you're back in the fight. 5 coins. 1 per char. Usable anyways, buy em up and store them. Idgaf but when your on a mission there is only one available. 3 "Supe's" and 5 "Soyolo's" In conclusion, crafting, ship vaults, added and edited vaults and material set-up, potions, special exotics that you build from ground up with your choice of abilities. Just need to even pros and cons of gun stats. Watch the re roll feature Bungie. See what people like and get. Thank you to anyone who trudged through this long ass reply. -ZH

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