Newer plasmas really shouldn't have this problem. I've got a 64" Samsung upon which I've played 8+ hour marathons without issues. I take it this was an older model if you paid 3K for it.
I have a 2 year old Panasonic that's very prone to image retention but also a 7 year old of the same brand that can sit with a still image all day with no issues. It's literally used as a PC monitor. It's different with with every set sometimes in the same model.
My set is a 2012, very new. Highest rated television besides the new OLEDs. Yet even after hundreds of hours, maybe thousands of hours of use before Destiny, the HUD is so bright and large is burnt in already. Again, opacity sliders are common on games for this reason.
Same here. I run other content in between game sessions and keep a low contrast setting for destiny but it's still a problem.