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Edited by Briguy_Kels: 11/19/2014 2:25:23 PM

We the Warlocks

We are Warlocks, wielders of wild magic - it takes a skilled hand to bend it to our will. Any good Warlock knows this, and those in the Crucible can attest to it as well. Nothing inspires fear like a charging Warlock, burning and unfazed by a barrage of bullets, or the sound of a nova bomb charging up as you and your fireteam attempt to cap a control point. Likewise, nothing is more laughable than watching the blunders of an unskilled Warlock, self-reviving only to instantly be returned to the grave, or cowardly wasting a nova bomb on a single target. I'm not granted the Titan's one hit punch, I'm not equipped with a distance melee, but get too close and I will burn you. Call it even that you get a solar grenade for that knife you threw over my head, and remember it's my hand cannon that laid you to rest. I did you a favor, you don't want your family to see that scorched face. This is a call to all those endowed with the Traveller's light, Warlocks, bound by the knowledge that we are destined to lead and finish the fight against Darkness. The Vault of a Glass proved how vital we are in this fight. We were born with powers beyond our brothers in Destiny, we didn't strap a utility belt full of knives to our hip and we don't need a suit of armor to bolster our courage. A Warlock doesn't need a cape to show that he is a hero, and if you need all that protection to fight Darkness, maybe you should get a nightlight, BubbleBoy. In the Crucible, all classes are given an equal chance. Enjoy your class's perks, and learn to defend against your enemy's. Never make excuses. But that's not what I want to talk about here. We all like to play games, but I want to talk about the fight against our real enemy, and what your class is doing to help in it. Hunters, are you useful at all in the fight against our greatest foes? You aren't going to Blade Dance your way to the end of our nemesis, and your Golden Gun might as well be a slingshot - and I promise you aren't fighting Goliath. Take a seat Hunters. And what about Titans? Strikers are better suited for Donkey Kong - when you're finished pounding the ground go eat a banana. Defender class, your bubble is nice - if you prefer to hide behind it the whole fight. Actually, why don't you hold the relic and try a shield that we can actually shoot through. Do I even need to explain Warlocks? Who hasn't had their entire fireteam's asses saved by a Sunsinger's self-revive. And know this, the Voidwalker can send unlimited nova bombs that wreck havoc against Atheon equal to a super from the relic. If I had to pick a raid fireteam, it would look like this: Warlock, Warlock, Warlock, Warlock, Warlock, Warlock. Warlocks have been referred to as gifted, blessed, empowered - all true. But we're too busy slaying everything in our paths to make such distinctions, and if you're smart you'll stay out of our blast radius. Edit: this post was meant to spark a fun rivalry/debate between the 3 classes. A little trash talk is a necessity to push us to better ourselves. I've learned a few things about the other classes/subclasses that were downright impressive. Don't worry, my guardian brethren, we're all crucial members in the fight to preserve the enlightened-human-exo races. Link to the originator, We The Hunters: [url=][/url] We The Titans thread: [url=][/url]

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  • Warlocks. Remember the place that we share among our fellow Guardians, and the role we play in the survival of Humanity. While Titans are the steadfast defense against those that would purge us from the face of the Earth, it is our knowledge that gives them the ability to be the stonewall that we need. As Hunters probe the enemies' fortresses, they use the weapons that only Warlock research made possible, exploiting the weaknesses we taught them. As Warlocks, we were never meant to be the Impenetrable Shield of Humanity, nor are we it's Spearhead. No, we are the Truthseekers, those that pierce the veil of the Darkness with our greatest weapons: Our mind, and the Travelers Light. As the Titans represent our Strength, and the Hunters our Cunning, we Warlocks are the Wisdom of the last of Humanity. [i]We few[/i] made it possible to reclaim the gifts of the Golden Age, and improve them. [i]We few[/i] delved into the secrets that the armies of Darkness would hide from us. [i]We few[/i] taught the Hunters how to Blink, evading danger as we can, though they would rarely admit it. [i]We[/i] are the ones who harnessed what some would consider a heretical power, Void Light, and used it to obliterate the enemies of the remnants of Humanity. [i]We[/i] are those that can hold the Sun in our hands, and when struck down, can rise from our ashes like the Phoenix of myth to fight on. Humanity cannot stand without the Titans that Defend it. Humanity cannot survive without the Hunters subterfuge. Nor can it [i]thrive[/i] without the gifts we reclaim, or the knowledge that we gain. [b]We are Warlocks.[/b]

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    3 Replies
    • The other two were good becasue they didn't insult the other classes and were written well, you however have written a shitty piece of literature that doesn't compare to the other two posts which were fair and didn't need to disrespect other classes to make themselves feel stronger and I think that says much more than this entire post.

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    • [quote]I'm not equipped with a distance melee, but get too close and I will burn you.[/quote] [b]This[/b]

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    • Don't tell me to sit down. I can't cover your ass in that position. Hunters were born for two reasons, Warlock. One: To seek out new frontiers for you haughty brainiacs to study. Two: To stalk, and kill, targets of high priority. Next time that Minotaur or Captain right behind you suddenly goes down, burning into cinders and ash, look for the guy with the golden gun, who was smart enough to cover you. All classes have their purposes: Warlocks: You are the brains and planners. Those smart and tactically minded enough to remember that you must support your team. It is thanks to your aggressive seeking of truth and power that we succeed. Titans: You are the proud wall, which stands between us and our foes. You defend us with fist and shield, remembering that we are no use if we are dead. You protect our very lives. Hunters: We are those tasked with finding the biggest enemy, and knocking him down. We protect our friends and allies with knife and gun by destroying those most likely to bring harm to them. We destroy our largest threats. We are Guardians. Standing together, no one can stop us. Stand apart, and we will surely fall. --Aegis, a Hunter.

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      13 Replies
      • We are warlocks, born from the light An army for freedom, defenders of light At night, high up in the heavens we fight Faster than lightning we strike Like fires that rip through the night Surrounded by light Raging thunder in the skies Time has come to sacrifice We are warlocks, born from the light An army for freedom, defenders of light. Warlocks, euphoria will rise Returning from darkness we bury all lies The knights, outcast and lost in the skies Returning to heaven denied Louder than thunder we ride Ready to strike Call for us you will survive Follow us to paradise [Chorus] Here we are, the warlocks of light Here we are, we came from the night Here we are, the warlocks of light Here we are, euphoria will rise

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by SoloXYZed: 11/19/2014 3:20:04 PM
          We the Warlocks: -Shit the bed and NEED self revive... -Throw purple FoH and run because we're little bitches -Wear dresses -Love Harry Potter Need I say more?

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          • I'll certainly agree that warlock is the best class in the vault of glass. Sure, I'm aware that the other classes are useful too, but warlocks have the best PvE supers. I shall explain. In the VoG, if you're a hunter, the only useful super is gunslinger for taking out oracles. Bladedancers' attack is too weak by that level, and the same goes for the titans ground pound. When I do the raid I repeatedly hear hunters/titans in my fireteam complaining about how their supers werent damaging enough. Sure, a defender titan can be vital in a raid, but when it comes to warlocks, both sub classes can be used to equal effectiveness. The nova bomb is more damaging than a gunslingers shots against enemies (you sometimes need to shoot an enemy twice for it to die), and its similar to the titans ground pound, but RANGED, making it MUCH MORE effective against bosses like atheon. When times vengeance is active, a voidwalker can repeatedly bitch slap atheon with bombs. On the other hand, the sunsinger is also useful. Being able to revive yourself cannot be stated enough in terms of utter usefulness. Plus, being able to LITERALLY make it rain grenades (provided you have the perks) is super effective (and badass). When fighting the templar, you can flood the stairs, where fanatics run from, with grenades. I do this during the raid and not one fanatic gets near us because they're too busy swimming through grenade fire and dying. I rest my case.

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            2 Replies
            • Amen

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            • I how you're happy: this post became an orgy fest for fan fictional philosophies.

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              1 Reply
              • Hunters are far from useless I have all three characters atleast level 29 And I still prefer my hunter

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                2 Replies
                • Huzzah. Warlock UNITE!!

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                • Sun bros and voidwalkers unite!

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                  • Raise the Phoenix army. Bearers of the sun!!

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                  • Masters of the Arcane Arts We have taken the power of the void, and bent it to our destructive will. We have taken the light of the sun, and forged it into a weapon to be used against the darkness. Warlock Brothers and Sisters, Hear Me, for we shall lead our titans and hunters on the fight to cleanse the darkness. Our Arcane Prowess shall be the key to victory! PRAISE THE SUN! And COWER BEFORE THE VOID! tldr: We're beast and will lead the charge against the darkness :D

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                  • haha really? I've played for several hours as a hunter and just recently started playing as a Lock. Man I've never felt so OP in this game as I do as a Sunsinger. Definitely the least skilled character to use. Man I love those grenades :D

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                    6 Replies
                    • But we still punch bestest, right?

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                      2 Replies
                      • Hmm I wonder if Titans one hit kill punch affects my flame shield [spoiler]i have some experiments to do [/spoiler]

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                      • Isn't this overdone?

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                      • Warlocks are assholes in crucible. Blinking and bunny hoping around whoring shotguns and fusion rifles. Annoying.

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                        4 Replies
                        • We are Groot!

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                        • This is more hating on other classes than talking about warlocks

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                        • I'm just wasting time until I can play gta5

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                        • Weeeeeell... It would really be warlock, warlock, warlock, warlock, Hunter (to hold the relic at Templar), and a titan(for weapons of light). Other than that, you're right on

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                        • Awesome post, just don't undermine us Titans! Like it or not, you'll need someone to have your back when the going gets tough! Burn with your passion, studious Warlocks!

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