Cause warlocks are scrubs, not useful at all.. why would xur never sell your little heart of ass fire if he thought warlocks are utterly useless.
GR8 B8 M8
You, Sir, are broken.
Heart of Ass Fire! Would that be like, bad Indian food? THAT is THE heart of ass fire.
U are also a Meg
Can't aim, well give you auto locking nova boms, die much! Here's a revive move, can't kill a moving target, we will let you carpet bomb the place with these huge ass grenades, shield getting low, punch to get an overshield. Scared of that guardian hiding around the corner with a shotgun! Here's a homing grenade. Well kid if you still suck just use the infinite res glitch we purposely never patched.
Agreed, they are the no talent noob race that has a cheese move for just about any occasion.
I could say the same for titans.....get scared by someone in the crucible? Panic super them. No ammo in your shotgun? Shoulder charge them. Other team controls a point? Throw down your bubble on it and wait inside with a shotgun. Because titans are sooo MLG right?
We use strategy, warlocks use cheeze mode.
^^ titans using strategy, funniest thing ive ever heared xD, like people actually use unlimited self revive in PvP when you can just respawn
Haha Meg stop hating u jelly
You mean panic supering and shoulder charging? 0.0 what a great strategy. What shotgun do you use?
I didn't know Thunderloard is a shotgun? Don't worry, come iron banner all you weak ass warlocks will dredd the day you decide to trade blows with us titans and hunters.
Eh, I'm not too scared of a Titan who can't even break a 1.5 overall kd. #panicFOH =)
Whoah!!! your crucible stats are just awesome!! o.o
Lol thanks xD
I have all three classes, Titan is the highest level and Warlock is joint with Hunter. Warlocks are the best because of Sunsinger. You may kill us with your "Thunderloard" (which I also have) but first you have to wait for heavy ammo so you will be killed many times before that. Then you get the heavy ammo and kill and Warlock with your "Thunderloard". The Warlock then self-resurrects and all abilities are boosted and kills you and many others. stfu
1. Spelled "thunderlord" wrong 2. Iron banner: I have no problem killing titans, hunters however are a different story 3.shut up meg
If your done bickering about my personal opinion of which you will never change... Let's see what dumbass troll wants to buy THE LAST WORD from me? Any takers! Im selling it for only 23 tears. How about U¿
U are a Meg.
Warlock rookie race.
2 titans and not even 30. U Meg, are skilled in being bad
And u r insults are weak sauce. Next week you and all your Warlock buds are gonna bitch about how iron banner needs a nerf!
Stop it Meg
My ass, just cuz I'm not in my raid gear at the moment do sent mean I'm not 30 dumbass.