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Edited by Hulkksmash: 11/21/2014 2:42:01 PM

Earners vs. Xurners -- lets end this now!

We all know the only way to earn gear is to put in the time and get it from raids or strikes etc from engrams. Why do people persist to say getting coins is earning the exotics. They might as well put up a free sign and just have Santa Xur give you what ever you want while sitting on his lap. Basically your a mouth breathing casual if your buying the trash from Xur. People need to put in the work and go do a raid for once in their life. You know a boss fight .. derp People complaing about stuck at 29 are in the same casual boat. Do work like us 30's did you lazies. We weren't sitting at Xur feet waiting for scraps... we were killing bosses Edit* Last word gone due to its now trash being Xur sold it. Dismantled for energies Edit* Mida gone due to Xur selling it. Dismantled for energies. (Running out of earner weapons Xur!) Looks like my main weaps will be VoC, P foil , thunderlord from here on. Still few earner weapons left !! KEEP FLEXING BROS WE WILL OVER COME!!

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  • Funny thing about "earners" I reached level 30 on 3 characters before some of my friends reached it on one. RNGesus was nice to me, not so much to others. Xür isn't what is killing the game. It's the self entitled gamers that think there is only one way to do it. Who cares honestly? It's a game, life isn't fair. Bungie just gave an opportunity for others to to get something so they feel like their time wasn't a waste (in a way it still is a waste) At the moment they still need one exotic and three pieces of raid gear to reach level 30. They can still only have one exotic weapon at a time.. why not buy something with the time you've put in to make things a tad bit easier? Or hell even a little more FUN. It's the people that complain about EVERY LITTLE THING that is killing this game. I hope they continue to ignore post like these, I hope they ignore the people that want everything nerfed. I hope they focus on the real issues this game has and not the people with post like these.. You sir/madam are the type of person that is helping destroy the community and the fun aspects of this game... /Rant

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    • [b]*****NOTICE*****[/b] Please do not feed the troll. This has been a public service announcement. on a different note, I don't care if someone got their gear from a drop or bought it. I think King Henry V got it right with this: "From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother;"

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      • I got patience and time before xur had it I dismantled it

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        • Sarcasm checked.

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          You can't really "earn" anything. The loot system is a random number generator...

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        • I'm glad I'm smart enough to realize this is sarcasm, but seriously just stop. You're making yourself look like a fool.

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        • Idiot

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        • Here's a little piece of food for thought. I have bought patience and time and suros both from xur. Not the best guns ever, not the worst. But did I earn them? Consider this situation. I have never done a single raid. In fact, a couple weeks ago I decided to do my first nightfall strike ever. After completing the nightfall strike I was awarded with MIDA. I didn't even know it was a good weapon at the time. The other two people in my group got random legendaries. Did I really earn it? Consider another situation. I decided to do another nightfall strike the next week and spent hours attempting to beat it with several different groups. I was awarded with Truth when the other group members got legendaries. Did I earn it? My point is that earning is so ambiguous in this game you can't possibly begin to complain about xur. I honestly earned my suros by accumulating strange coins to buy it more than getting lucky on my first nightfall strike ever for MIDA. Stop complaining about other people and just play the game.

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        • I bet the helm of inmost light just landed on your head right? Don't talk about people "earning" raid gear (which by the way is part of the RNG) until you, by random chance, get a raid helmet. And even then don't talk about earners and xurners because both come through random -blam!-ing chance. SC are given by random chance and even over time you have to accumulate enough to actually by the items from xur. "But you can get engrams with MoL by leveling up" shove it up your ass buddy. Engrams give random items from random classes, plus xur doesn't sell legendary items, only exotic. On the other hand what you call "xurners" while they talk about there new exotics from xur can only get so far on those items because without legendary from the RNG they won't be high enough to accomplish anything either. Both are random chance, both play the same game the same way. And just an FYI don't brag about raid gear because there are players that have completed the raid a shit ton more times than you and just haven't been lucky enough to get raid gear.

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          • Edited by Pyro 509: 11/14/2014 12:06:05 AM
            Right! I mean, I think I had to play at least a whole 2 hours of the VoG on my titan before I could get the gear to hit 30. People just need to put in the time GG

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            2 Replies
            • So do you not spend your strange coins then? Send them my way. I've had stuff through strikes, raids and xur so am I a earxur or a xurear.....

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            • Sorry to burst your bubble but you can't earn anything in this game. Rng=/=earning.

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              • Edited by Vikz88: 11/14/2014 12:22:24 AM
                Every god damn week, honestly. Feels like we are just banging our heads on brick walls... Why do people feel compelled to start a whole new thread about this. Adding the #sarcasm... Why do people hide behind this. These troll threads are probably more annoying than the actual whiners. Well, like the fool I am, I'm gonna take the bait. Firstly, okay, well done with your 4 raid completions and getting full raid gear. Well done you got lucky with RNG. I have completed the raid double the amount you have (mostly in hard), yet stuck on level 29. You didn't earn squat. You got lucky. Secondly, getting gear as a drop is great but until this week I hadn't received a single exotic as a reward. I relied on Xur/bounties for my exotics. There are only 6 things in this game that are earned. Vex Mythoclast and the 5 exotic bounty guns.

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                "Let's end it" [spoiler] *adds another to the list of this same existing thread*[/spoiler]

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              • Because we spend the exact same time earning strange coins as you do grinding. But can you say you earned something when it is all up to luck if it drops? It's rng if a mob drops an engram, its rng what the cryptarch gives you from the engram, it's rng when you get end mission rewards. So how is being lucky better then earning coins and buying stuff? I was killing mobs waiting for a daily event to pop up, I killed maybe 6 mobs and a legendary engram dropped from it, I brought it to the cryptarch and got the Cryptic Dragon scout rifle. Did I earn that legendary scout rifle, hell no because it dropped after I killed 6 mobs, it was just all luck that it dropped.

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                10 Replies
                • I'm tired of trying to earn all of my shit, I think "xuring" is the best way to go for me

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                • Edited by DrOctabass: 11/13/2014 11:28:56 PM
                  Please quit this game. We don't need more threads about this.

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                  • How is it possible to earn a good RNG drop? you're an idiot. People that get strange coins earn them by beating the weekly heroic then use their earned coins to by exotics. You in no way shape or form have earned anything from RNG drops it was a random drop "GIVEN" to you at "RANDOM" I've seen people get exotics drop for em when they went negative 15 in crucible did they earn their exotic? I've had afks get great drops in strike Playlist did they earn them? You're a damn retard and your way of thinking is just flat out idiotic. Think before you type if that's even in your capabilities being the retard that you are. Eat shit.

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                    • inb4 has one level 30 and no raid helmet with 4 raid clears. get out of here YOU casual.

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                    • Shew just grow the frig up man, I've got a lot of time on this game and I don't have the last word, I mean let's be honest that's all most are worried about, just as soon as xur has it, it will be bought. Then all of those who has a life outside of destiny will get to watch you squirm and you can get on here and say how you worked hard for it. I have done the nightfall and raid as much as I can since I've been level enough to do so, and I don't have the same good stuff as my friends. So I've put in enough time to have good stuff, probably the most on friends list. If xur has something I want I will get it. I don't even care what people like you think.

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                    • Why do you elitists keep posting about this. Move on. Why do you care how others obtain gear? I've yet to complete the raid on normal but still have been and gathered gear. Ive gotten Nightfall exotics and even a few from lucky engrams. Guess what? I didn't earn those. I got lucky with RNG. Quick go check the definition. Some people are unlucky so they save their coins and purchase the wares that Xur sales. It doesn't effect your game or experience in any way whatsoever. Get over yourself.

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                    • There's no 'earning' in this game, it's all random which is why one week for completing the nightfall and upgrading the vanguard simultaneously, I get shadow price and bad seed down. While another week for doing the same thing(different nightfall) I get 11 ascendant shards

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                      5 Replies
                      • Why do people think they can post this crap as long as they have #sarcasm at the end? To be honest this troll gag posts are just as annoying as the real whiners who post. Shut the hell up already.

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                      • Haha with the characters ive deleted and the ones i have now im probly over 500 hours invested grinding and whatnot.. i buy stuff from xur so that makes me a casual. Even tho i play over 8 hours a day lol. Ur an idiot anf so are all the other people who make these statements

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                      • I'm tired of you people. Why can't YOU whiners understand that NOTHING in this game is "earned". Xûr isn't a shortcut, nor a cheat. He's a convenience store for people that can't put in long hours. Cheating would be trading exotics to other players *cough* Borderlands *cough* and what about those rare few who DON'T pool together coins from three characters? Are they not earning anything from weeks of waiting and saving?

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                        • Some people have a life bro I got no time to raid hard 50 times to get the raid helmet,instead I bought exotic helmet and hit level 30

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