When it comes to a Raid, Weekly nightfall or Heroic Strike theres one thing that always gets to me.. Why can't I see my friends healthbar. One of the most valuable moments when you need to see it would be when playing [b]Raid on hard mode[/b].
That link between life and death and the struggle to run around to survive and stay alive.. could mean the success on passing on to the next checkpoint. But as i continue playing I see my friends dying and I ask myself why can't i see my [b]friends health bar[/b]..? Where I as a Titan could've easily see his life dropping lower, growing near on the face of death and come as a defender and save his life with my bubble.
[b]Same style of healthbar that enemy have bellow their names could be easily implemented on Friendly Players.[/b]
I don't know if this is even possible or I'm just missing something. I think all of you may relate to this and help the community and maybe it can reach Bungie. A shot in the dark
I was asking around random people and not too many were aware of the exclamation mark as the danger zone. And that a better aid as stated above would've been a simple health bar.