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Edited by JoshMdy: 11/11/2014 10:15:19 AM

An Auction House For Everyone

So I've seen the other suggestions for auction houses, but here is mine. Location: Personally I think a window in between the special orders window and the mail would be a perfect spot to put an auction house. Currency: First charge the seller a certain amount of glimmer to actually post the auction, but then give them the choice of which currency they want for their items(glimmer, motes, strange coins, vanguard or crucible marks) with a choice for a "buy it now" price or starting bid. I think the different currencies would allow the auction house a way to balance itself out and make it easier for all types of players to buy things. Also when the player puts an item up for sale the item should be removed from their inventory and placed in the auction house storage. If the auction ends with no bids, the item simply slides over to their mailbox for pickup. I think this would help avoid duplication exploits. Auction times and starting prices should be selectable with a max auction time of a week, ending with the weekly reset. Meaning the later in the week you put something up for sale, the less max time you can have with the item for sale. Also a max number of auctions at a time by one person would help slow down the farmers. Speaking of farmers, I say exotic items should not be sold in the auction house. This way people won't just buy out Xur and then sell over priced exotics throughout the week. Also it would make sense that exotics sold in a "black market" style would have no place in a faction backed auction ran by the tower. I would love to see a system like this implemented and think it would be great for everybody. It would also allow the "raid team challenged" the option to buy raid gear that they would have had no way of getting otherwise.

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