Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
Edited by aBallisticToucan: 11/9/2014 5:40:16 PMWell it's something that has to be looked at from different angles. Most people who are against it are so because of their religion/philosophy, mostly Christianity. Now since Christ taught that the poor should be helped, and since it is pretty much non-debatable that being gay isn't a choice, you'd have to think about the two options in certain scenarios: -You could have two gay people be unable to pay their bills, and they would be helped by marriage tax breaks. -You could ban gay marriage, and the people would have a more difficult time living. As a Christian, I actually think just letting the people having the tax breaks would be the more Christlike choice. As far as state-based unions go (I'll leave the "religious marriages" aspect out of this, it only makes things more complex and causes more butthurt,) there's no reason to not do it in some way or another. That being said, if gay people get what they want and then start bashing religion (many of them would; don't deny it,) that's a pretty shitty thing to do as well. If that happened, I couldn't support them thinking that they have the right to piss on whatever beliefs they don't like, even if their own beliefs have become accepted.