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11/9/2014 3:52:31 AM

Horde mode/Community/We're supposed to be in an epic struggle!

Horde mode has been a popular topic for quite a while now. I would like to suggest that horde mode be another type of random public event that comes in the form of alien assaults on an area. They increase in difficulty with each wave and can introduce large bosses on the field. To tie in the community, a request for reinforcements/SOS can then be sent out to other guardians wherever they are to assist the guardian(s) trying to hold the line. Each "tier" completed increases the chance of better drops. Maybe keep track each week of who's winning. If humans are winning we get buffs for a week. I want players to feel like they're involved in an epic and dynamic universe even though they may be lone-wolfing it or rolling in a fireteam. Patrols? Come on! When I take a mission I want to storm an enemy stronghold, or take down a Fallen capital ship that has been striking guardian positions from orbit. Why do we need mechanics like this? I don't feel the sense of a dire struggle or imminent doom. The "Darkness" is some boogeyman no one understands or fears and, realistically, the minions of the darkness would wipe the floor with the guardians...they are advanced. They have dropships, starships, and vast armies. But they're not wiping the floor with us. Why? I assume its because guardians are holding them back in epic struggle that spans the solar system; we just don't see it. The only other possibility is the minions of the darkness suck at waging a global war against an inferior species and we will win ONLY because we are less stupid than they are! My point is we are supposed to be at war; a war that we most likely won't win because according to cut scenes in the game, the darkness can only be slowed not stopped. My message to Bungie: get us in the struggle! Let us understand why we're here and why the darkness is bad and why we should care. Let us have epic reasons for helping our fellow guardians out.

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