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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by lemstry12: 11/11/2014 11:33:15 PM

Let's be honest. Are you bored playing Destiny?

We all invested a lot of time into this game. Let's be honest. We are playing the same strikes over and over and over and over again. We are doing the same exact bounties every -blam!-ing day. We are playing the lackluster multiplayer that makes everyone feel cool and strong and has a terrible small amount of game modes and maps. Playing the same weekly shit over and over and over again hoping for exotics you will never get. Waiting for xur every -blam!-ing week and he ends up selling the same shit. Hoping for an update and it never comes. Getting excited from the weekly updates that is still to be yet put into the -blam!-ing game. And there is way more. Tell me, are you bored like me and is waiting for Black Friday or are you not bored and Is loving this game? If ur not bored and is enjoying the game, tell me why. I would very interested to hear your comment Edit: -blam!- that said no explain why Edit: thanks for 1 thousand replies. Hopefully bungie looks at this and see what people feel about the game

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  • Yep. Iv bn playn lords of the fallen for the last wk. Waiting for dragon age. Il start playn destiny again when the DLC drops

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  • Ya, been playing warthunder for the past few days. Destiny is a good game, but it's life cycle just doesn't seem very long. I'm already getting gta5, again, but was also thinking about selling this game, so I could also get LBP3.

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  • I'm bored as hell with this game, sadly I can't stop grinding.. It's a vicious cycle. I'm miserable

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  • I love the pvp. I know it's kinda unbalanced and there's a lot f ways to die but in all honesty I've found a strategy that works well on nearly all maps and I find it to be a lot of fun. The pve is very boring. I do the weekly heroic, nightfall, and raid and then it's back to the crucible.

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    2 Replies
    • I haven't played Destiny since about 2 weeks ago, now. I check on the forums, every once in a while, to keep myself updated with what's going on in the game. Doesn't look like I've missed anything substantial. I felt that I needed a break from doing strikes and patrols, and I think I'll enjoy the game much more, once I return for the december DLC.

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    • Yeah. My whole friends list who I played with from launch well over half quit for other games because of the repetitiveness and lack of things to do. Can't wait for dragon age!

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    • Nope

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    • Let's be honest though I am getting a little bored, but the dlc might change that. Even if it doesn't there are the promise of TWO NEW planets, mercury and Saturn. This will probably be higher level missions for those of you who think you are good, or those of you who like to beat every mission at the highest difficulty.

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    • I'm not. Played some Salvage last night with two friends and it was really fun still.

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    • Yes i am

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    • I am absolutely loving the game, if you don't no life the game then so will you. There's plenty of hours I'm it, between making 3 accounts dong the vault weeklies and dailys there's plenty to keep you going. For the guys that are saying it's dried up, just think you would have been max prestige on cod and actually doing the exact same shit over and over. For me this game is a great refreshment from playing cod, been waiting for a game like this for ages, and just think around the corner there is another dlc. The value for money of this game is amazing, I have no problem paying another 20 bucks for hours of entertainment. And they support team actually do shit and they do listen to the community, it might not be the next day but they could be like a lot of other games and make you play the game they want. But bungee are in colaboration with the community. Tbh -blam!- me it's brand new, in 3 months time I'm still going to be loving it!

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      5 Replies
      • Yes.

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      • i enjoy your grammar way more than i enjoy this thread :] but, i love destiny. Even with all of the community heartache on these forums, and all the bugs in game... its still one of the most fun gaming experiences I've had in a long while. I've made far too many online-friends to count, and group up with so many different squads throughout the week. for a very "anti-social, limiting social experience MMO" ive been getting my moneys worth for sure :]

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      • I was, but then I started playing the raid for he first time. I think it's awesome, although I'm stuck at the gatekeeper checkpoint and i need people to finish it :p

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      • On Tuesday and Wednesday I am not bored because of the reset. Once the weekly and nightfall and raid are done I am then bored.

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      • At this point all I'm doing is material farminf

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by Technomancer: 11/9/2014 3:59:06 PM
          Yes. i am bored with it. Also a little depressed i spent 90$ on it.

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          2 Replies
          • Haven't touched it in about a week or two now. Nothing to do, same old shit. Been playing sunset overdrive, and a little bit of cod.

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          • The forums are more fun nowadays. Game is failing pretty fast. And its honesty, im quite sure, because activision is calling the shots now due to stockholders..and the game devs lost thier testicles to stand up for themselves.. Instead opting for fatter wallets and a simpleton game. Destiny 2 is also confirmed.. So my ability to give a shit is pretty much busted. And our community rep is a condescending asshole who only remarks when his p.r. Bullshit comes across his desk..because he cant single coherent thought of his own. That about sums it up i think

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by Tevaull: 11/9/2014 4:48:17 PM
              Bored out of my mind, so bored I moved on to other games with no expectations of every looking back wondering what is happening with this mess. Destiny is the biggest gaming disappointment of my life, no game was hyped as much as this was, no game was over sold and under delivered like destiny. This experience has completely changed the way I look at big budget games. I used to think companies that put out very successful, complete, AAA games were darn near a sure thing with their future games. Bungie proved that you can't beleive any gaming company when it comes to producing what they promised and that every company no matter the reputation is capable of giving gamers the finger and flat out lying to their faces. I won't be pre-orderering games in the future, I am done with that crap and I am done with any game being super hyped because the hype is paid advertising and doesn't include a shred of truth. I am going to focus on indie developers and I will pick up titles by the big gaming companies when they are on clearance.

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            • Yes

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            • Not bored but couldn't tell you why.

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            • I was extremely excited for this game and paid a lot of money on the most expensive pre-order: I did this as I felt I would invest a LOT of time into this game. I played as Titan class and for a while the game was pretty exhilirating and kept me engrossed and interested. The poor lack of communication implemented in the game was, and STILL IS, a terrible oversight. Worse, however, was that I felt I was running through the same content in nothing more than a single-player game, dressed up and masquerading as multi-player. Left a while back!

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            • I am very bored. Think about it, this game only has roughly 11 hours of unique content. How can you still absolutely love this game when you do the same shit over and over again.

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            • Yes. I play 1-2 times a week depending if I can squeeze my Vanguard marks, nightfall, weekly, and raid into one or two days. I also log into see Xur's wares. It was a fun game but all I really want is raid gear and iron banner gear. PvP is fun sometimes but I'm waiting for other games with a richer story.

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            • I log in once a week for weekly/nightfall/raid then log off until reset. Bored. To. Tears.

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