I will admit that I haven't been team Hunter in the VOG until last night, when I attempted it for the first time as a Hunter (on Hard).
All those points are incredibly valid, except perhaps as a relic holder? Sunsinger Warlock is better.... But, a golden gun makes one person have the efficiency of two in any mob control situation. Blade dancer is my favorite subclass for the confluxes in clutch situations where death was a near impossible avoidance.
Last night as I learned, being able to one shot supplicants and help the relic guy clear adds, makes an experienced (or at least one worth his salt) Hunter worth more than a fourth warlock's self revive... Because it won't be necessary.
Sorry but the hunter is the best one with the relic, the agility and the jump is the best for taking out the enemies in the teleporters and we practice with the arc blade.
Anyone who is lvl 30 can wreck with the relic
I agree with you. The other dude is high on his ability.
Not everyone -.-
Well anyone who is halfway decent
I will always disagree with that. The relic is easy to master with practice. And if the situation goes awry, a blade dancer will just die and the raid will be scrapped. While a warlock would simply self revive.
Is that all you rely on? Self rez anyways I have never died with the relic unless it was a wipe.
That can be attributed to your experience with the relic and the help of your team. A warlock is always the better option all other things equal.
I disagree with that but whatever makes you happy