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originally posted in: How Hunters are amazing in VoG
11/8/2014 7:02:44 AM
[quote]The blade dancer can clear out groups, but both the titan striker and warlock voidwalker do it faster and more efficiently. [/quote] This is inaccurate and small minded. Titans and warlocks may clear a small group faster, but a Bladedancer can clear waves of adds repeatedly during their super, resulting in vastly more kills when done by a skilled player. Example: I activate arc blade with razors edge perk and clear literally the entire legion when the Templar summons them in one super. You should see the orbs raining from the tips of my blades. [quote] Titans are technically the best for holding the relic since they are built for melee, the extra armour means they can take more hits, speed is well and good, but you dont need to move far, so speed is not as necessary, the problem is that hunters are squishy, so it can be problematic. [/quote] Umm Bladedancer is built for melee too, you know that right? Completely invalidates your point in one sentence. Extra armor??? I move so fast and lethally, I never take a single hit when taking down the Minotaur or the snipers. Unlike you clunky titans with your skeet shot jump which leaves you completely vulnerable the entire length of the jump. And squishy? You realize that a good hunter is speccd full armor (which is only slightly lower than a Titan at max armor) during every raid right? The difference is unnoticeable because, again, hunters won't get hit as much. Honestly the only thing Titans are good for is weapons of light for the hunters. Warlocks are for cheesing. If either of those classes didn't have those abilities, you'd find yourself on the wrong end of the "X class is useless!" Forum. Good day. *drops mic*

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