Oh you're twelve! Well why didn't you just say you were a child?
Awh come on cat got your tongue kiddo? Wow I didn't know a troll could get pissy and whiney maybe I'll be able to beat a bounty with your tears
Why not report me. Or I'll sparrow surf and push you and atheon off the edge.
Why not get a life? You really are sad you know.
Y u so mad bro. Wot m8 someone take your ice cream bro
Learn how to type. Oh and get a life.
Gahd mch fgt hear
They touch your penis bro?
Mmm I have a life and it's kind of fun :3 anymore flak?
Yeah? Being a dick on forums? Some life, how can I be as cool as you?
Is the little troll done?
You can't that's what makes me so great mwahahahaha bow before me mortals my dick on the forums makes me a mighty troll and I am better than you
Yaaaay you caught me in twelve and I like my little pony and teletubies if you're trying to piss me off or otherwise "troll" me your vindictive attempts are failing :3 I don't get irritated easily