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Edited by Sgt Cabose: 11/7/2014 4:49:37 PM

Runners vs Completionists







Q: When it comes to strikes, you're a _______. But I'm "both". There is no option for me! [spoiler]Assume you have all the time in the world and you're soloing if you're "in the middle or both." This will help you identify what you really PREFER. Certainly, when faced with a time crunch but really want to play, we'll change out tactics from our true desires. However, with unlimited time, we'd be more likely to do what we WANT. Edit: there is no "Both" option. I want you to pick a side and defend it. Certainly there are a ton of us (myself included) that play to the rest of the group. But base your decision on soloing. Don't take the middle ground. That's too easy :P [/spoiler] Why there is no RIGHT answer: [spoiler]I'd recommend the book [u]Switch[/u] by Chip and Dan Heath. Arguing logic doesn't work. You have to motivate the emotional side of an individual to make it really work (in conjunction with logic). Your logic is sound, but you haven't targeted the [b][i][u]reason[/u][/i][/b] people walk/shoot (completionist) every strike. Some people are just plain having fun. If you could [b][i][u]show[/u][/i][/b] someone how much more [i]fun[/i] it is to run vice walk, you'd swing the community. Unfortunately, that must be felt and experienced. The written word (here) will most likely only apply to logic (unless you're an incredible writer). Logic is just not a strong enough element to do it alone.[/spoiler] Concerning the term: "Efficient" and why it's not an option on my poll. [spoiler]Most runners are running because of [i]time[/i] efficiency. That's probably the right title depending on your operational definition of efficient. One size does not fit all here. "Efficient" is defined by the measurement: Efficient completionists aren't worried about time, but kills instead... Not skipping any enemies. 100% encountered enemies die at their hands. Efficient runners are looking for personal records on strike TIME completion. "Gotta shave 30 seconds off. Skip the stupid colossus and just run by it." It's all in the eye of the beholder. Use this weeks Weekly Heroic as an example. After you activate the console in the public area by the interceptors, do you: A) Fight every enemy in the first big interior chamber and then continue on, also killing every enemy in front of the bosses siege tank (public area)? Efficient mob killer = completionist. Or B) Run and jump past those guys to get to the lieutenant fight (darkness zone), then run and jump to boss area? Efficient TIME completion = runner. Certainly there are those that want to split hairs and kill stuff while they're running through, but killing level 28 cabal majors and ultras takes some freaking time. If you're stopping to down all those dudes you're a completionists.[/spoiler] THIS POLL IS TO INCREASE AWARENESS This is the problem: People fall into 2 real categories. You either want the end of strike rewards only and time is of the essence, or you want to take the scenic route and kill everything on the way. Neither of these practices is bad!!!! Your brain and play style dictate what group you fall into. This does not mean the other group is [b][i][u]wrong[/u][/i][/b]! They're just different. Understand this and stop taking it personally. [spoiler]Idling is straight garbage. I don't care about the no-death strike bounties. Participate or get reported. Standing around farming materials and trash mobs also counts as idling no matter how you try to explain it.[/spoiler] So, which group to you fall into? I want this post to stick so everyone understands that there are 2 different schools of thought here and you should try to understand the majority. If 2 people sparrow off, they're runners. If you're a completionist, just quit, or speed ahead, help, and try your luck with a different group. If you sparrow up and the others walk towards the first mob, they obviously want to kill stuff. Quit, or hop off the sparrow and help. Of course no one is holding a gun to your head to be a team player, but team playing requires a "majority rules" mentality. Being the only runner makes you look like a jack ass. Sure, you soloed the boss. But your other 2 "team" members were left behind. It's not good etiquette. I say follow the crowd vice throwing a tantrum that someone isn't playing "your" way. Especially if you're the only one that wants to do it that way. Check left. Check right. Play as a team, OR DONT USE RANDOM MATCHMAKING AND GET MAD WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG! I'm a runner. Ran Sepkis Prime 25 times for Bad Juju, but slowed down when my team mates wanted to. Cheers guys. I did this in fun, but I hope it sticks. There are way too many hate threads about this.

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  • They do get repetitive, but i always kill everything because it's a higher chance of getting engrams

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  • Completionist for the most potential amount of rewards

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  • while you "completion" kids are killing everything i've ran ahead and killed more then had of the enemies where you have to kill them by the end of the strike i have more kills, so -blam!- your logic running >completion anyday

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  • I'm the guy that skips everything until I get to the darkness zone. If my teammates are lollygagging around with nonessentials, I will kill myself to get them to spawn with me at the darkness zone. NO POINT IN WASTING TIME

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    4 Replies
    • I hate it when people run through everything besides [i]having[/i] to open something or kill all the mobs at present. Every time it happens, they die and it forces the group to warp to him/her, resetting any progress we might've had with our bounties.

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      • Personally I'm a completionist and I have a problem with people that think it's ok to just ignore half the content of the strike. I generally find that runners are people who lack patience and lack regard for their teammates. Runners run on ahead but if you have a single completionist they get left behind. In fact I bet you runners have a jolly good whinge about us frequently But here's the thing: a completionist is likely to get more loot and more xp than a runner. Want a legendary engram then be a completionist

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        • After the same strikes100 times, I'm a hall

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          • When I have stragglers I just run up to a darkness zone and shoot a rocket at the ground. Regroups my team.

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            • Im a runner and dont really care much for legendary drops since you get everything you need in a raid. Yes they're cool when you get them in drops or what have you but I'd rather just get the end game reward. A strike usually takes my fireteam of runners around 7 minutes. If im matchmaking then yeah Ill help out and be a completionist if thats what the team is doing or run through if the opposite.

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            • I try and run. But if some folks decide to shoot me I decide to kill them.

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            • Completion while lvling to 20 , runner for everything after

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            • I really like this post and I'd like to complete the vault 100 percent not run through like everyone does because, they don't think they will ever find anything new.... So completion for vault but anything else runner. I try to take some time exploring every vault run. It's the ruins that have me so In aw and possible chests. 0.0

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            • I played with a dude who did the Nexus strike in like 5-7 mins. Only place he stopped to fight was near the beginning when you have to kill the 3 servitors, and at the final boss. Plus, whatever he had equipped tore through the final boss faster than I've ever seen.

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            • I do the same as my team for max teamwork

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            • I would rather kill everything, but as long as the group is okay with running ahead I don't mind.

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            • I'll play however the other people are

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            • I normally only kill in darkness zones. Unless I'm doing bounties that are easily finished by killing a few adds.

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            • But...a team of runners will 'complete' the strike before a team of completionists.

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            • It depends on what my goal is. If it's to have fun I'm a completionist. If it's to get marks I'm a runner. If it's to get exp for a gun I'm a completionist. I voted runner because that's the situation I find myself in the most often.

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            • Both, but not because of the 'take group precedent' line of thought. Sometimes I want to enjoy the strike; sometimes I just want to get it over with. We're contradictory creatures. I guess if I had to defend a side, I'd defend completionist thinking; although not always true (some people love speed running), the runner philosophy seems to end up as being an admission that you're not necessarily having fun with the game, and just want rewards - in which case, why play, if the rewards matter only within the context of the game?

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            • This is a good post. Question: Are you sure you are from the internet.

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              2 Replies
              • Edited by GNIHTYUGNOSREP: 11/7/2014 5:44:37 PM
                It normally depends what mission I'm on and what the random team mates do. Valus strike on Mars I'll spawn, sparrow to the ghost drop off zone, and then run through the doors. After that moment, I make sure everything is dead. But, if I have an idler in my party I will kill everything in the beginning trying to buy time to see if they come back (maybe they went to grab a drink in orbit or something) In the Nexus strike, I will run past the downed ship, and while walking, kill as many vex and dregs as I can. Then I will continue and kill everything in my field of vision once we get to the three servitor room and beyond that. In the Phogoth strike, everything dies. No ifs, ands, or buts. I will kill everything. In the Sepiks Prime strike, I don't kill anything in the Rocket Yard, but once we get to the Refinery everything must die. So I'm more of a completionist at heart. In fact, before I ran these strike hundreds of times each, I actually did kill everything that the beginning too. I love speed running but at the same time, everything you kill is another chance for an Engram and I always take my chances. I'm a completionist.

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                • I am a runner...sort of. There is NO point in killing all the mobs in a strike. But, there I can spent hours klling mobs in patrol missions. That's what they are there for. Killing all the mobs in a strike is just wasting other peoples time.

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                • If i have time i prefer to kill most of the enimies in my way BUT if there are too many for me to take out without dieing i will run by them.

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                • I don’t mind running through them or killing the mobs. I mostly just adapt to what the player(s) I’m matchmade with do. If you speedrun them, you get quicker rewards at the end, but I have also received several blue and one purple engram that dropped from mobs so there’s always a chance you’re missing some drops when you speed through them. But I guess that after playing for some time, both styles should average the same end results more or less. What does bother me however, are the people that start killing the mobs outside of the darkness zones! That’s essentially just patrolling and you don’t get any higher engram droprate from these mobs. (I’ve had a guy start killing the enemies in the Rocketyard on the Devil’s Lair. When we were halfway through with the devil walker he showed back up.)

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                • I had a guy that rushed right through, and then died to automatically move us up to the next checkpoint. Pissed me right the hell off. He did it twice. 2nd time, me and other guy just started meleeing him and shooting at him for 5 minutes. He got mad and left, and we completed it ourselves no problem. What a douche. #dontrushmebro

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