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11/4/2014 7:09:06 AM
1. of course blink jumping is used to break target tracking... it's terrible as a travel ability... so... it's a defensive thing, that takes skill to learn to use. Still can't use it well myself, and I have both a warlock and a hunter. 2. Shotgun range is so short now it's almost completely useless pve. It has to have the perk that extends range when aiming to be of ANY use.. and as you can see, he does aim it. If you needed a video to "confirm" how it's used... maybe you should try one. 3.yup, most animations get cancelled by a jump. or a slide. Thats basic game mechanics.... since jumps and slides affect where the hitboxes move to and therefore where the enemies need to shoot) those visuals need representation priority 4.Hunter melee has range, when charged, on either subclass. and when not charged... doesn't. Warlock melee has longest range of all. Also does least damage. Conversely, Titan does the most, with the shortest range. They also have the most armour... it balances out. 5.some rifles, like the OP's, don't have much recoil... they also have little impact. See how little damage each shot did on it's own? it's the stream of them that does damage... the faster the rate of fire and lower the impact (see rifles like Dr.Nope as an example on the extreme of the spectrum) will always have almost no recoil, compared to ones that do much more per shot. in essence, each of the pluses he had also has a drawback. and yes... both sets of hardware show the same stuff at the same time... or did you think simply having a hitbox intersect a bullet in the game didn't also qualify as "instantaneous"? everything happens at the same time on each system... hence you being able to feel actual lag when it happens, because people vanish, or don't take damage when they ARE hit... THATS when things aren't happening at the same time. as towhat you believe should be a one-hit kill... yeah, seriously showing your bias there, when you only list a titan skill as a class that should have one... kinda makes all the rest of your arguments seem a bit spurious. Be thankful ...warlocks don't have a non-super one-shot ability at all. And thats as it should be... each class has strengths and weaknesses... combine those with the playstyle that fits you best, and you may find that even using the tactics that exist and seem to kill you a lot you still can't beat them... thats player skill coming into play. level up the other two characters you have... and see if it's as op as you thnk it is... cause having tried all 3, I can tell ya... each one dies and kills as well as the others... and different weapon setups have the same potential, depending on your style of play (from the "hold a hose of lead spray" style of the AR to the one shot-BLAM!- of the handcannons...) its all about your preferred methodology.

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