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11/3/2014 11:25:47 PM

Atheon Teleports; Beating the dead horse...

You know Bungie, i was all for defending this game until the recent patch. I am jumping on the dead horse of "ATHEON TELEPORTS DID NOT NEED FIXING!" Having the 3 farthest back teleported created planning and strategy, which is what MMO raids are all about; making a plan and executing that plan well and get a reward for it. what planning is there in random teleporting? Not only that but your "fix" broke the damn raid; randomly teleports 1 or 2 people, which is INFURIATING on hard mode when you were jsut about to win but a glitch f***s you over. Sometimes NO one is teleported. Its jsut plain chaos. EVEN IF you fix those bugs, it just makes absolutely NO sense to make it random. Are you guys against players having roles? against any type of planning and strategic forethought? As if there wasn't already enough randomness in this game, you just HAD to add one more aspect that completely contradicts what a raid is supposed to be. Good job bungie, good job. it is pretty damn obvious that the 3 farthest back being teleported was a DESIGN CHOICE since your "fix" is bugged to all hell and completely destroys this raid, when the original method had NO functionality issues. I really hope that bungie realizes how much of a mistake this was, but i highly doubt it, as their "you guys dont know how WE want you to play this game" attitude seems to be the driving force behind their decisions.

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  • Or that the gates glitch and loop players walking through or simply double teleport them... Bungie only works on the things people benefit from, while the big problems are just ignored.

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  • Any halfway decent group can deal with the random aspect. Its the bugs on 1 or 2 people teleporting that is frustrating

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  • My biggest issue with the patch, and why I agree with your comment/ feedback, comes down to this: How can I become my own legend in the game when every time my play style or strategy is ripped away from me? Why Am I being told "no you'll play it the way we tell you and you'll like it"? Because that's what bungie has done; they've takin my way of enjoying the game or my strategy to defeating an enemy away and told me that i'm not doing it how they want it.

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    1 Reply
    • This really pisses me off too, my teammates and I have been teleported and died from gaining detain shields then teleporting causing us to lose

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    • Well it's less of a horse and more like a grease spot on the ground. I'm with ya tho.

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    • Hundreds said this last time and I'll say it again - the random port mechanic always existed because some of us were often randomly ported. As a harpies man, closest to Atheon, I was often ported with the group. So your theory based on that information, alone - is wrong. The code existed.

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      6 Replies
      • The best games available don't rely on random encounters, pattern recognition shows knowledge of the raid and adds strategy and forces you to outthink the encounter. The argument that people should know all aspects is understandable, and they should but wouldn't it make more sense to have someone with no experience learn while someone with experience can guide them from inside/outside the portals.

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        2 Replies
        • I agree, they should have left it how it was. My advice not that it matters. Find five people that are dedicated and form a raid group. Don't even waste your time running it on hard with random people, it never works out. The raid group I'm apart of have defeated atheon every time we fought him on hard, it's still buggy as hell and takes awhile sometimes but we get it done cause we are a tight group and all know our roles and how to run the relic.

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        • Agree It's becoming all too much frustration for me Spend time on the forums and Destiny LFG to find a raid group. And it seems every group is at Atheon checkpoint. No one does it from fresh anymore. Then go in on hard mode with total strangers who are struggling and falling apart for hours Random teleports screw everyone up, it's total chaos , nothing gets accomplished Maybe just maybe we finally get lucky and get Atheon to 1/4 health and then a glitch or another random teleport puts weaker players in and .....wipe If after all those hours you finally get Atheon beat and get lucky on hard you still get screwed and get energy and a ship. It's becoming a giant waste of time. I don't care about comments. I don't care what "get gurd" responses come. I also don't care if people say "fine leave go". I'm reaching the end of my enjoyment. I've been hoping to get something good from the raid but the rewards just don't equal the work put in. I'm not asking for handouts, entitlements and blah blah about this generation of gamers wanting everything without work. But this is a game. Games are supposed to be fun. I'm losing my fun slogging through forum matchmaking, struggling raid groups, terrible Bungie raid glitches and RNG for the great raid. Losing my fun ...that is all.

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        • We don't play the game right... and they can't code the game properly. It's fair? Right?

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        • Was doing the hard raid tonight with a bunch of seasoned raiders, but which hadn't cracked it on hard. Twice we nearly got it, but failed because the game bugged out. The first time we had Atheon down to a slither of health, we were inside and had all the oracles down, but no, the game decided that we had not. The second time was downright infuriating. Again we had Atheon down to a slither of health, no one was dead, and we got teleported to Mars, "Yes! We're going to finally nail it!" I thought. But no, the game only teleported two players ... well done, Bungie. I have put over 200 hours into the game, and would love to pour more into it. But if this is how it's going to be, why should I bother? And why the hell should I even consider spending more money on the dlc? Bungie's blatant disregard for its player base is actually quite insulting. I'm seriously considering trading the game in for credit.

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          2 Replies
          • If your on when the week resets him me up ill be transferring the hard save for atheon and Templar , and where pushing both off , let me know , must me lvl 29 + xbox 360 only

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          • Edited by YoungChrisMott: 11/4/2014 12:50:30 AM

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          • Can i start by saying that the teleport bugs were present before the patch, we just here more about them now because their is less 'pushing' and being carried through the raid. And finish with; The encounter is far more exciting now. Tougher, yes, as it should be. People need to be adept at all aspects of the fight. It requires more communication, more skill, more knowledge, and has become a much greater achievement when conquered. The "strategy" you are refering to was painfully linear and boring, especially for those on the outside team. And also, i -blam!-ing hate when people say things like "this isn't how a raid (or whatever other shit they are spouting) works in game 'X' so why isn't it like that here". Well, maybe because this isn't that other game. If that is the experience you want, go play it then.

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            5 Replies
            • The strong adapt...

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            • So when I am playing a real MMO as a healer and get targeted with an RNG based mechanic and need to heal, as well as, adjust my gameplay to beat the debuff that has been applied to my character, that is bad mechanics and not team based system? Or are You really are just qqing that you cant slap your friends into your fireteam and walk them through the raid.

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              38 Replies
              • Amen BUMP

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