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originally posted in: The Dark Below
Edited by CircusOfValuues: 10/30/2014 5:08:41 AM
Again, if you can't talk to me as a fellow human being to another, there's no point in this. Also, I'm not a kid, I'm 21. You didn't address the missing cutscene I mentioned nor the weather system that they claimed there would be and so on. If you did research in any aspect other than that which suits your selfish narcissistic way of thinking, you may find that not everybody agrees with you and that your so called facts, are in some cases, blatantly disagreed with. And in that way, your cold hard factual lessons of life are in fact, not facts at all. Opinions matter more than you will ever be able to comprehend. You clearly have your mind closed to anybody who doesn't agree with you. Now, if you can recall in that narrow minded head of yours, bungie stated that they will be relying on feedback from their community. Do you know what feedback is? OPINIONS. You may want to study the letters of that word so that you can fully grasp what it means. It means that not everybody thinks like you and that doesn't make them stupid, retarded, entitled, or whatever else you think of people that don't agree with you. Now please, stop being such an ignorant person just because I don't agree with you. Here's a cold hard fact of life, and a real one, opinions matter. Everybody's, in some way shape or form, affect both their lives and those around them. Which then leads to cause and effect of one fellow human being to another, but thats a whole new can of worms. Just because you don't agree, does not make them any less intelligent than you. Such is the case here. You and I disagree, that doesn't make me stupid or whatever the hell it is you'd like to call me inferring that I'm less than you. I've tried to be civil with you but you're clearly very intolerant to anybody who doesn't see things the same as you. Which is many things, but in a POLITE nutshell, disrespectful and rude.

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