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Edited by SpeckTech: 10/29/2014 8:46:13 PM

sucks to be an Xbox player... again.

Playstation gets another exclusive strike until fall 2015. my condolences Xbox players. It looks like Sony really spent a shit ton of money for exclusivity. Edit 1: yeesh, people are assuming I'm on xbox... would it kill ya to not assume and just look at my profile? Edit 2: wow people still think this is a whine post. Those who do are idiots. I typed 3 sentences. The first was stating a fact. The 2nd was me expressing my sorrow for xbox people. The 3rd was me thinking Sony really spent a shit ton of money on exclusivity.

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  • So I'm wondering about the two DLC expansion packs for Xbox one with the Exclusive content for PS4, So far PS4 owners have 1 strike and 1 PVP map also some exclusive weapons. In the Dark below you are getting some exotic weapons, 1 strike and some other exclusive content. In the house of wolves your probably get the same. So lets say that's 3 Strikes, 3 PVP maps and weapons and gear/weapons. All this will come to Xbox one in 2015. My question is will this just unlock for the one owners or will it be an update? Surely we wouldn't have to pay for any of this extra content?

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  • All is as it should be. Hail Playstation master race.

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    1 Reply
    • Meh. It's only a timed exclusive. Not like how we have Sunset Overdrive and they have the Uncharted series.

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    • For a game that is already lacking a bit of content(I'm not complaining, I love this game but it does have it's flaws) it seems a bit silly to lock content for certain consoles. I'm okay with weapons/gear being Playstation specific but I think it's a bit dumb to lock entire strikes for a full year. I could understand a month or two but come next fall no one will care about those strikes.

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      1 Reply
      • Yeah and it hurts ps users, which is something I don't think Sony realized when they made this deal.. Can't do night fall on those strikes for a year and Xur won't sell any of those exotics for a year..... Just going to have the same shit over and over again lol...

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      • Why do we have to wait an entire year for this? I'm fine with exclusives and all for the same game and if memory serves me right, no one ever had to wait an ENTIRE year to have access to it. Bungie just doesn't get it.

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      • That's great! It must feel awesome to finally be on the other side of this.

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      • Spend the extra cash now and basically pre-order content. Good job bungie, not buying into this crap.

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      • Then switch if you dislike it so much...

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      • As long as there is no DLC that contains a fix for all of the games annoying connection problems I do not care. I also think this is a good thing for Xbox players. Bungie betrayed us already with the advertisement for this game. This whole situation you mention.. well.. this makes us Xbox players able to look their dlc's up on Youtube before buying them, before it releases. If word makes around that these dlc's are not their money worth.. well.. guess what happens? Xbox players wont buy it. That's a good thing.. the only persons who can actually loose by this are Bungie and Activision employees.. :P

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        2 Replies
        • I thought that there would be one new raid, three strikes and six missions and three maps not only two strikes one being exclusive and three missions its ridiculous!

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          • Xbox gets exclusives all the time. What's the big deal?

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            4 Replies
            • ]I dream of ruling with an iron fist, rule through fear and terror. Having an ocean of soldiers at my disposal, all in rank at attention. Having that army go into people's homes and tear their families away from them. Dragging people that question my authority out into town square and beating them to death with a nightstick. Constructing a massive wall around my land so that none can enter or escape and all who try will be shot. Taking children away from their parents and raising them as my nation's youth; brainwashing them to follow my ideology without hesitation. Have slaves construct statues of me and a grand palace demonstrating my power and malevolence. Holding military processions to remind the populace of my military strength. Having eyes everywhere, cameras in every home; nobody can do anything without me knowing about it. And honestly, talking about this has given me a raging erection.

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            • We get halo and gears man never sucks to be xbox player , gaystation gets another boring strike they will make you sick to your stomach like the rest of them after you play it 1000 times

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              23 Replies
              • I'm an Xbox user I'm funding to go back to a playstation user I miss Sony lol

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              • I own both so idc haha I play destiny on ps4 and sunset overdrive on xbone

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              • Not honestly bothered, Master Chief Edition will keep me busy.

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                1 Reply
                • It's ok by me. I'll have my Halo MCC soon. For the people that will continue to play Destiny, kinda sucks though /:

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                  3 Replies
                  • I'm a PS4 player and to be honest it's not really a big deal. One measly strike that will take 10 mins to do. Not a big loss there. Just the way these console wars work. Huge companies out bidding each other for exclusive content.

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                    5 Replies
                    • What's there to be sad about? Xbox will have MCC, PS4 will have Destiny. I'll be taking bets to see which game "lasts" longer.

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                      2 Replies
                      • They also said they get an exclusive exotic weapon too.

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                      • the strikes are pointless, we're all 27-30

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                        13 Replies
                        • Don't feel bad, at least you guys don't have the sh1tty exodus blue map or the incredibly repetitive dust palace strike, this new strike is probably going to be sh1t aswell... Although I still hate that you Xbox players don't get to use the Monte Carlo or Hawkmoon, they are very decent guns :/

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                          2 Replies
                          • I keep seeing the comparisons made to the COD early access on Xbox and it's just not even close to being the same thing. Let me break it down for those who don't seem to understand. Call of Duty DLC: Xbox Player - purchases 4 map DLC for $15 and plays 1 month ahead of PS4 player PS player - purchases 4 map DLC one month later for $15 Same amount of content for the same price, just different release time. Destiny DLC: Xbox player - purchases DLC for $20, get's new missions, 3 MP maps, 1 strike and 1 raid - has to wait a full year for 1 strike, but has to pay for it up front. PS player - purchases DLC for $20, get's new missions, 3 MP maps, 2 strikes, and 1 raid Xbox player has to pay the same amount of money for less content for an entire year. So there is a pretty big difference between the two scenarios.

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                            14 Replies
                            • This wouldn't be so bad if the DLC came with more than ONE strike for the money.

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                            • You do realize it's only one strike? Who gives a shit about that

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