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Edited by car15: 10/27/2014 10:05:05 AM

Baby Boomers are the most entitled generation in American history.





Is entitlement a problem? Sure. I've seen my fair share of entitlement among my peers. There's no denying that my generation (I'm 22 years old) has a problem with entitlement. However, the problem is not nearly as endemic as it's made out to be. The [i]real[/i] cry-babies are our forebearers. Specifically, the Baby Boomers. I have a f[i]u[/i]cking reality check for those whiny, spoiled little bitches. [b]The Baby Boomers comprise the single most entitled generation in American history.[/b] Baby Boomers are selfish, narcissistic, and incapable of taking responsibility for anything they do. They tank the economy and then complain until the government bails them out. They export our good jobs overseas and refuse to retire, then complain about how there are so many lazy unemployed young people in America. They raise their children with an inflated sense of entitlement, then have the audacity to blame [i]the kids[/i] for their own failures as parents. All Baby Boomers have done for my generation so far is force us to pay for [i]their[/i] entitlement payouts... all the while bitching and moaning about how entitled [i]we[/i] are. Has everybody forgotten about the "me" decade of the 1970s? Widespread materialism, consumerism, draft dodging, sexual promiscuity, and general moral decay in this country that hasn't ever stopped. Which generation came of age in the 1970s? Oh yeah, that's right. The Baby Boomers. And they never did manage to grow up. As the Boomers transitioned into middle age, men who once dropped acid swapped out for Viagra. Women who once eschewed lipstick switched to liposuction. They were spoiled rotten by their war hero parents, who were probably just happy to be alive and capable of supporting a family, and they never grew up or learned how to take responsibility for their toxic impact on the world. [spoiler]Before some old fart gets his panties in a twist, I don't literally mean that everyone born between 1946 and 1964 is a selfish pig. That should go without saying, but it never does, so I'm saying it here.[/spoiler]

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