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Edited by BNGHelp4: 10/26/2014 11:32:51 PM

I don't understand how destiny is bad

Now, ever since I saw the first gameplay trailer of this game, I wanted it and so did everyone else. With an achievement of over 180 awards and nominations everybody thought this game was the best ever But sadly when it came out everybody hated it for a few reasons: 1. The story is bad: now I do agree with this a bit as it is very unclear what is going on in most parts of the game, but there are many mysteries and things that it will follow up on in the updates that will continue and follow up the events that have already happened. 2. Bad level design: To me, level design doesn't matter unless I'm having fun but on a more professional side of things, I also have to agree that the level design is quite lazy as there are literally three things a lev may be either: go kill a boss, go get an item or protect your ghost while he gains info. But later on as the game progresses the strikes and some side missions become quite interesting, in the vault of glass raid you have to have six people to protect four (I think) pads to open it, so yer. 3. Random loot drops: now this one I do find very annoying as I am level 25 and I have no legendary stuff at all and both of my friends are fully armored with that stuff and I still have nothing. Another thing is that a lot of people are annoyed about what they get from raids (that being not very good stuff) but I would not really know because I have never competed one. Also another thing is at the end of the crucible there is the rewards menu, now this is insane because it does not make sense at all, all the rewards are also random and so it can be really annoying when you feel as if you did really well in that match only to find out you got nothing for it, I have also been in a game where no one got anything apart from the bottom person who got an exotic shotgun! Apart from that I don't see anything wrong with the game at all as the graphics and artwork are incredible as well as the audio. The gameplay and controls are very smooth as they are mixture between call of duty and halo. There are loads of weapons and armor to customize and make your character look awsome. The sky boxes on all planets are stunning as well as the actual lay out and setting to each of them like earth is rusted wasteland and the moon well... The moon and Venus is a jungle and mars is a desert as well as the different enemies each with their own weaknesses and strengths. The multiplayer (pvp) is amazing (and that is coming from a guy who gets very frustrated in pvp) as I love the different abilities and vehicles (though there could be more) that are on offer. Of course there are a few things that could tweak to make it better like the random rewards and possibly more vehicle maps as there are only two at the moment. I find the entire game a very satisfying way of gaming fun especially when you are playing with a friend or a clan to help you in your adventures. (WARNING: reference alert!) This game is so fun it even shout "ADVENTURE TIME!" Whenever we fly off to a new planet. I really love this game and am really disappointed how badly people are treating it like this you tuber called angry joe who is a massive d**k who obviously only plays games to judge them and not to have fun like you are meant to. I would highly recommend this game to everyone who has enjoyed either Call of Duty, Halo, Skyrim and even some who likes InFamous. I would rate this game a solid 9.0/10.0 I hope everyone will enjoy destiny and will keep playing.

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  • Edited by xtbn: 10/27/2014 8:53:03 AM
    [quote] 1. The story is bad: now I do agree with this a bit as it is very unclear what is going on in most parts of the game, but there are many mysteries and things that it will follow up on in the updates that will continue and follow up the events that have already happened.[/quote] Correction: there are [b]too many[/b] mysteries in the game. I'm not expecting a complete development to the plot here. A first game should introduce you to the plot of the game. I said this before and I'll say it again, the queen and her brother don't have names!!! That alone should tell you how little effort went in to introducing you to this world. I could tell you of this games lack of character development. I could tell you about how the game does nothing to make you feel like you have to protect the city... I could tell you more of the huge shortcomings of this game...sadly I don't have time to explain further why I don't have tine to explain further. And I have more points to adress. [quote] 2. Bad level design: To me, level design doesn't matter unless I'm having fun but on a more professional side of things, I also have to agree that the level design is quite lazy as there are literally three things a lev may be either: go kill a boss, go get an item or protect your ghost while he gains info. But later on as the game progresses the strikes and some side missions become quite interesting, in the vault of glass raid you have to have six people to protect four (I think) pads to open it, so yer.[/quote] VOG is the [u]only [/u]mission with original level design. Everything else is just go to point A and defend dinklebot for 3 waves. Go to point B and repeat. Fight bullet sponge boss. Really? This isn't just lazy, it borders on insulting. [quote] 3. Random loot drops: now this one I do find very annoying as I am level 25 and I have no legendary stuff at all and both of my friends are fully armored with that stuff and I still have nothing. Another thing is that a lot of people are annoyed about what they get from raids (that being not very good stuff) but I would not really know because I have never competed one. Also another thing is at the end of the crucible there is the rewards menu, now this is insane because it does not make sense at all, all the rewards are also random and so it can be really annoying when you feel as if you did really well in that match only to find out you got nothing for it, I have also been in a game where no one got anything apart from the bottom person who got an exotic shotgun! Apart from that I don't see anything wrong with the game at all as the graphics and artwork are incredible as well as the audio. [/quote] The problem doesn't really on how many flaws the game has. Its with how big and impossible to overlook they are. Look at your post. You started every point pretty much with " I agree but" and then proceded to make an excuse for the game. [quote] The gameplay and controls are very smooth as they are mixture between call of duty and halo. [/quote] To my knowledge, no one has ever argued this point. This is irrelevant. This level of polish is expected from FPS' nowadays. Not impressed here. [quote]There are loads of weapons and armor to customize and make your character look awsome. [/quote] I'm sorry but I don't see the customization you speak off anywhere in the game. The only guns with original models are exotics. Everything else is just the same models with different colors. As for armors... Sorry but no. You want to reach lvl 30? You gotta wear raid gear, making you look exactly the same as everybody else Who's lvl 30, with the possible exception of one exotic armor piece. Huge character customization? Where? [quote]The sky boxes on all planets are stunning as well as the actual lay out and setting to each of them like earth is rusted wasteland and the moon well... The moon and Venus is a jungle and mars is a desert as well as the different enemies each with their own weaknesses and strengths.[/quote] This has never been argued. Sadly, good visuals and good music is not enough to save a game. And I'm sure the main selling point of a game is its gameplay, not its skyboxes. Apreciated and truly deserving of recognition, but thats not why we bought the game. [quote]The multiplayer (pvp) is amazing (and that is coming from a guy who gets very frustrated in pvp) as I love the different abilities and vehicles (though there could be more) that are on offer. Of course there are a few things that could tweak to make it better like the random rewards and possibly more vehicle maps as there are only two at the moment. [/quote] I don't play PVP much so I'll refrain from commenting in this point. But I personally believe we should refrain of judging PVP untill they are done patching it. [quote]I find the entire game a very satisfying way of gaming fun especially when you are playing with a friend or a clan to help you in your adventures. [/quote] Pretty much any game is better with friends. Even bad games. Don't believe me? Go watch lets players on youtube that do it with 2 or more people at a time. Like game grumps. Even if a game is a bad, playing it with a friend makes for fun times. Hey, you can make fun of the game with a friend. Those are good times right there. [quote] I really love this game and am really disappointed how badly people are treating it like this you tuber called angry joe who is a massive d**k who obviously only plays games to judge them and not to have fun like you are meant to. I would highly recommend this game to everyone who has enjoyed either Call of Duty, Halo, Skyrim and even some who likes InFamous.[/quote] So, he doesn't like a game you like and he's a dick? Doesn't this strike you as narrow minded? He's a reviewer. His job is to analyze games as objectively and critically as possible. Everybody plays videogames for fun. The thing is, not everyone finds the same things fun. He even mentioned in the beggining of his video that if you are the kind of person that likes grinding then that you would probably like the game. He aknowleges that there are people that will like the game. I personally would hesitate to recomend this to anyone. Here's why: Players that like CoD and halo want high paced and smooth PVP action. Destiny's PVP still has issues to fix. Like trading kills and lag. its still going through balancing. People generally don't like going throughthat process. People that like infamous and skyrim (like myself) will want an explorable big overworld and deep plot. Both of wich are very limited in destiny. To the point where they are almost non existant. [quote] I would rate this game a solid 9.0/10.0 I hope everyone will enjoy destiny and will keep playing.[/quote] Thats your opinion and I respect it. I would give it a 6.5/10 but thats my opinion and that shouldn't stop you from playing this game. By all means, go ahead and Play. I wish you luck. I will continue to lurk around here even after I stop playing, in hopes that destiny will one day realize its potential. But untill then, I can't defend it nor recommend it.

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