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Edited by AytonHunter: 10/26/2014 7:53:30 PM

Destiny came and all of a sudden everyones "Pro". (A note on playerbase and the VoG)

Yesterday I played through the Vault of Glass fully for the first time. It was great to see the beautiful design of it, but the problem was the people I was with. For starters, it was a bunch of younger dudes who have a mouth on them xD This guy was so proud to tell us how his lvl 30 has done the raid 100 times and that his own vault is filled with Legendaries and Exotics. At first I was impressed, but once we got to the Templar... everything changed. This was no longer the raid I played the first time, and died multiple times trying to do it legit. No. Instead, we had this lvl 30 telling me that "Hunter's are useless in the VoG". To which I asked why (considering we had a lvl 29 Hunter with us and I myself play as a Hunter), and he merely responded because they are. Now it was only when we got to the Templar that I realised why I wasn't enjoying this. The players were more concerned with glitching the Templar and Atheon, pushing them off the edge with their EPIC WARLOCK GRENADES, while me and another player sat in a corner, feeling goddamn useless. It sucked. The whole point of a raid is to come together as a team and devise strategies to defeat the obstacles in front of you. I hardly felt like I even did anything in the raid, as these guys carried on talking about their "Amazing skills at pushing Atheon". So, I sat in Atheons lair, literally hiding behind a -blam!-ing pillar while this dude compalined that Atheon was not going in the right spot. I hadn't even shot a single shot at him, I hardly even knew what I was doing because this group were so focused on glitching him out. I'm now on the Hard mode of the raid, but I don't dare go for it with another bunch of randoms for fear of sitting in a corner once more, listening to try hards as they talk about their 1000000 Exotics and Legendaries. In conclusion, people are more concerned with glitching a raid and gaining loot, than actually finishing it legit. [b]What is the point of glitching to get gear, when the gear is used for the Raid anyway? If you want play a dress up sim, go ahead and google a shitty flash game.[/b] For this asking I'm on xbone Gamertag AytonHunter Feel free to check out my clan Enigma Sphere and consider joining!

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  • I feel you man. I've done the raid on normal without using any glitches or push-off-the-edges 5 times with a good group (2 titans, 3 hunters(!) and a warlock), and when were down a man or two and wanna try hard, everyone just wants to hide and snipe or use nades to push bosses, which I think is lame. Why can't we just do what we do on normal but focus more? I long for that mentality to be the norm.

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  • If someone says that hunters are useless, they obviously haven't done the Atheon fight with 2 hunters going through the portal to support the relic carrier. 2 Golden guns means you wreck the Minotaur or hobgoblins in either portal then use the remaining orbs and gun shots to instakill half the oracles. I don't think any other class has it as easy as them in the portal team.

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    • Edited by Presedent Kushh: 10/27/2014 2:54:54 AM
      This exact thing happened to me and my buddy yesterday. Both level 29 hunter who had made it to atheon 3 times but never beat him because people left of something came up. We got a party with a young know it all who had us sitting in corners for both bosses, which was super easy and lame. Literally your exact experience happened to me.

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    • I would love to organize an all hunter normal run, on xbox one, streamed, just as a nice -blam!- you to people like that guy. I ran it earlier today, and my level 27 was getting twice the kills that this level 29 'l33t skilz pr0 lock' was getting. It's a tough boat friend, persevere and you'll come out on top.

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        I feel ya man. I ran the raid for the first time last week. We made it to Atheon and someone says ok who can push him off. They got him off and I felt dirty when I got my reward. So now when I search for ransoms I have to say "no cheese". I finally beat him with a group that had never ran the vault except one and he didn't even have a mic. It went smooth as shit and I had the relic the whole time and it was my first time. It felt so rewarding.

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      • I feel ya. I wanna run the content I wanna do it legit because its more fun to beat it as it was intended.

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      • Real talk I feel for you OP

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      • What was the point of this?

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      • The problem is in getting as much CHANCE at loot as fast as possible. I have done it legit twice (hard mode), other times I just cheesed, because rewards are not on par with effort put into getting them. All shards raid, seriously? And a FOURTH TIMEBREAKER IN A ROW AND NO MYTHOCLAST? Yeah, I will cheese, and won't feel sorry about it.

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        • Edited by BFBulletMagnet: 10/27/2014 2:28:12 AM
          Im a hunter and played with a group that wanted to glitch the templar. I can confirm that a void rocket launcher will also push the templar back. But i do agree that its is very boring and not satisfying at all using the glitch and i prefer beating the vog using legit fighting. But at least if you do get with a group wanting to push you can at least feel like you did something.

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        • Edited by kai: 10/27/2014 2:21:35 AM
          the only reason they say hunter is useless in VoG is because hunters cant cheese/exploit. Now, sunslinger is one of the best builds for doing VoG legit, golden gun is just that usefull, not to mention chain of woe. Bungie somewhat think its acceptable that hard modes are completely exploited by players that dont have a clue about any of the fight mechanics. There are players decked in hard mode gears and they dont even know what "ritual of negation is"... the only thing they know is "that you trown lasting grenades until the bosses drops to their death". Aside from taking a dump into all the players that do or are trying to do the stuff legit way.... its just ougtright wrong allowing players to exploit stuff to this extent and for this long. Things like this needs to be patched in 1 day, not 2 months, and people still exploiting it after being warned should be dealt with accordling. If cheesing/exploiting is ok, then just -blam!-ing toss raid gear into my inventory every tuesday, cause thats the same -blam!-ing thing.

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        • I had a stroke of genius. Just post that your looking to do it legit then you won't have this issue. Stop going with randoms and make your own fire team.

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        • The class you are using does not matter. Void damage is key. I ONLY play with folks that go legit and communicate.

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        • Hunters, while far from worthless, do seem to be slightly less useful in VoG. It isn't their fault, it's just how the abilities interact with the VoG's mechanics. Take arc blade for example. In PvE, it can get you killed easily unless you're up against a horde of weaker enemies. In the VoG, this only happens during the templar fight. But using it then makes it easy to accidentally become marked by a fanatic.

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        • It's because when it gets attention, people are suddenly experts. When the PS4/Xbone was announced, people suddenly became experts and cared about 1080p/60FPS. So when people gained access to the forums, they suddenly became experts on every subject within the game, claiming impossible claims like doing the raid more times than their playtime would account for.

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          • Honestly, any super other than Radiance, Void Bomb and Golden gun will get you killed. All the Ward of Dawn does is stop me from killing supplicants and makes the away team get bombed on the way back, and FoH got me blown up too. Not all people are like that though, last night on my first time through everyone was surprisingly nice. They did try to cheese atheon but I don't care. We ended up doing it legit, and it took us a couple trys to get the strategy down.

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          • its unfortunate you were in a party of pricks. the reasons ive heard about hunters not being great, is because Bungie turns the Artificial Difficulty to 12, and unless you are a Sun Singer that can Resurect or a Defender Titan that can make themselves untouchable, you're not going to have an easy time staying alive. Not that you cant, but its easier when not a Hunter. And because the best gear is obtained through beating Atheon on Hard and the Artificial difficulty is turned to 12 and Bungie's game is SUPER Laggy, its not worth the time and frustration getting Insta Killed by Snipers Walking around with their Heat Shields, or Giant Robots that take no damage and Punch everyone to death, or Portals that Dont work, or Harpies that Sit outside the Portals to blow up people with the Relic, and a Relic Bubble Shield which only seems to work Half the time, usually killing everyone inside. Bungies game is a mess. it would be nice if those problems didnt exist, cause then it might be faster to kill him Legit. Unfortunately we do have those problems and 100 Flawless runs can be ended because of a Glitch that is completely out of our control. So screw it. If the game is gonna Bs everyone, Bs them right back.

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          • I can't argue against anything you've said. We push the Templar and Atheon off now every time. We've beat it normal and none of us see the point of dealing with ridiculous glitches or lag time after time while teleporting to just be killed. Between invincible or respawning praetorians, only two people being teleported, or going through the teleported and not being teleported there's no point in really even trying. On top of that the loot is so stupid there is incentive at all. I've been through probably 10 times on one character and still need one piece of raid gear, took me five times to get the first. Couple friends went through their first time and each got a piece, then another their second time. I have three friends that have done it about as much as me and they're full level 30's. You can bust your ass and get nothing, someone can do nothing and get a lot of stuff.

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          • I somehow get lucky with randomns, I did the raid about 4 times. And only one was a group of pushers, the other three seemed to be disgusted at the push method and it is understandable why, but there was always that one guy that suggested it. Hopefully in the next raid they have baby bumpers along all the edges of the boss areas from the get go, and have the bosses insanely aggresive and a bit smaller. I would love to see a thrall boss with a million hp that has double the original speed and goes around melee one hitting people.

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            • Bunch of CRYBABYS the only try hard I see is u!!!

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              • I'm level 30 I've done the raid heaps of times and I totally agree with you, it's so much more fun and rewarding doing it the legit way. Don't get me wrong me and my clan have pushed the templer off once and Atheon twice but we have 2 hunters in our fire team and we didn't sit there saying there shit and useless, they actually contribute a lot to the raid. So everyone saying shit about hunters and saying there shit and having ago at you on this post don't worry about it man most likely they are bitching because hunters can't help to cheat and they rob ally haven't done it legit before. Sorry for the big rant on your post but I'm sick of the gaming community acting like twelve year olds and not helping people or too busy about worrying about cheating.

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              • Edited by LEAFSreborn555: 10/27/2014 1:35:57 AM
                When I do normal raid with randoms, the group of guys are some of the nicest and we get it done legit. Maybe Im just lucky?

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              • If you were on the 360, I would message; been playing the raid with the same group, fun to play with, easy going, mature group!

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              • Legit raid with Intellect GG and alpha lupi hunters can be very productive with orbs so that locks can have that super that makes them useful

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              • I have glitched atheon two times and it was the most bored I have been in the game. I was a 'useless' Titan (basically not a warlock). I now just leave if people decide they want to cheese bosses. It isn't fun for me.

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                • Yes, a hunter can't help in the glitch. BUT... They are patching it. Bumpers... no more pushes. AND... lets see anyone 2 man the vault without golden gun? Yeah, right... Hunters have uses... and in the next raid, it'll be the warlocks likely left out in the cold on some new glitch. Safer to just play with people you know, and avoid random/kids altogether.

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