Oh I can't stand this attitude in the game, I never personally help anyone and here's why???
1. No one helped me with any of my 3 characters.
2. I found and made friends in game on destiny why don't you.
3. Many times I'm on my own lil mission like yday I was trying to level up my level 25 Hunter when one of my friends jumps in my game and demands that I get my level 30 warlock and help him with Raid on hard :0 like really dude.
4. If I wanted to do the raid with you I would, why must I do what I don't want to make you happy, were gamers not a married couple
5. With just the tiniest bit of common sense a team is so easy to put together
6. God helps those who help themselves
7. Because it's a waste of time and it's not the reason why I turned my console on (also see point 3 above for further clarification)
8. Do I need more reasons or is it no matter what I say, I guess your character development will always be more important than mine and no matter what I should always help other before myself even tho no ones helping me
6 is bs
I don't think you understand the point of this thread... The idea was just playing to play and have fun, ya if you trying to lvl that's one thing but if your just on to play and not really doing anything that's when it's nice to find people who are just playen for shiggles
I bet you're fun at parties.
Lol @ # 6
Wow, I feel like you described me haha...several of my friends that play always 'need' help doing something they can do on their own..Tuesday I have a short day at work so when I'm off I usually go home and knock out the weekly and the nightfall. Then for the next few days I get asked 2394072057 times to 'help' them with their stuff. Most of which is easily solo-able.
Way to put a negative spin on it, we're discussing people that help for the sake of help and fun, how you brought being forced into it is fascinating.
3 and 4 deffo agree get bad aggro from some people demanding help and if dont thats when the hate messages start :s