Confessions of a level 29 warlock:
1) I curse hunters in pvp who use blade dancer when really I'm just jealous because they can wipe a whole team without politely asking them to stand in a circle holding hands and singing kumbayah.
2) I'm horribly jealous of the hoods of hunters and thought those should've been a warlock thing.
3) Every time I'm in a titans bubble I uncontrollably dance.
4) I make fun of people failing at the jumping puzzle but then right afterwards I continually fail at jumping down to the templar fight and claim every time the button didn't register.
5) I claim I suck with the shield just because I want to shoot things for a change.
6) I still don't know where the hidden chest really is.
7) I kind of think my gear makes me look like a space pirate.
The hidden chest is after the spirt bloom chest - down that hidden back entrance to gorgon area, about 20 feet above the bottom (first Gorgon chest) in a small cave. It is easy to pass if you drop straight down from above for a long drop. Need to use the ledges on the side of the drop hole.