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originally posted in: Confessions of a 29 Titan
Edited by UberLord Parker: 10/19/2014 8:21:02 AM
OMG! I spent the entire morning reading this thread! LOL. LvL28 and 9/10ths Titan... BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING ASCENDANT ENERGY INSTEAD OF SHARDS. I've found SOO MUCH in common with others in this thread it's not even funny... 1) I too scream "FALCON PUUUNCH!" when using my Striker Super. 2) I wish there was open communications with PvP Fire Teams and a proximity Comms with enemies just so they could hear me holler "FALCON PUUUNCH!" 3) Going back to (2)... Others would often hear "FALCON P... Damn It" because someone has killed me just when I start the animation. 4) Also going back to (2)... Others may also hear "FALCON OOOOPS!" when i jump into a crowd and blow a bubble. 5) I also say "Welcome to the Thunderdome", "Two men enter, one man leaves" (even though I play a female), and "Not in MY house!" when I blow a bubble. 6) I often forget which modifier I have on my bubble... I use different setups between PvP & PvE... and I suffer the consequences for it. 7) I commonly use words or vernacular better suited to my children... AWESOMESAUCE is one... and my son laughs at me when we play together. 8) I like to turn on the fan when people are sitting on top of the Post Office just minding their own business. 9) I MUST shoot EVERY exploding object on the map... especially when my Fire Team walks past them. 10) I either want a poop brown shader for my Titan or a Chatterwhite shader for my ship so they can be color coordinated. 11) I've gotten Exotics from RNGesus, Xur, bounties, and VoG and feel like I "earned" all of them. 12) I didn't know what people were doing when they were "farming the loot cave"... I ran in for a heavy ammo drop and was greeted with friendly fire and people punching me... So I sat down for a hot minute (I'll never do that again... apparently Bungie frowns on this). 13) I passed up the Exotic Titan Chest plate in lieu of a Stealth Drive because I can't keep up with a normal Sparrow. 14) I give Strike Jack Rabbits a head start because I can catch and pass them with my Legendary Sparrow. 15) All patrols and loot chest/material runs feel like a race... I have to "bump" other Sparrows into rocks or off cliffs because "if you're not rubbing (bumping) it's not racing" 16) I haven't killed a PvPer with my Legendary Sparrow... but if my Fire Team is hopelessly losing then I will shamelessly keep trying. 17) I keep forgetting that you can't "grenade jump"... you woulda thought I might have sorted that out already. 18) I like saying "HERE... HOLD THIS!" when I throw a Magnetic Grenade. 19) I say "Thank You" when the Magnetic Grenade goes off. 20) When I'm waiting for Public Events, I like to watch for other PvEers in the Mothyard or Forgotten Shores and snipe their targets when they get into melee range. 21) I'm a Faction whore... I own a Titan Mark from each Faction... I feel like I need to be at least Rank 3 for EVERY Vendor (still working on it). 22) I only played about a dozen Crucible matches before the Iron Banner event... now my game type count is about even between Story, Strikes, Patrols, and Control. 23) I bought my 21 y/o son his own copy of Destiny just so I would have someone to play with. 24) My wife and my daughter-in-law have expressed feelings of neglect DURING a Nightfall run. 25) I joined a Clan because I didn't have enough friends to conduct a VoG Raid. 26) my son is NOT in my Clan 27) I HATE the Gunsmith & RNGesus... I'm convinced that the only reason I can't get rare Fusion Rifles is because I need them for a bounty... I had TONS of them before. 28) I retired between the Beta and the Launch, just a phenomenal coincidence... my lawn has suffered since the Launch... especially during Queen's Wrath and Iron Banner. 29) I want to play other Characters but haven't been able to resist the urge to play my Titan. EDIT: I forgot a few... 30) I LOVE the Shoulder Charge and I will only select that option on the skill tree for my Striker... mostly for PvP 31) The ONLY thing better than the Shoulder Charge is the FLYING SHOULDER CHARGE! 32) The ONLY thing better than the Flying Shoulder Charge is actually connecting with an opponent while we're both in the air. 33) I like to call my Flying Shoulder Charge "The Flying Ninjer Kick"... even though it's a knee strike. 34) I frequently Shoulder Charge into a wall, comrade, or off the map leaving behind laughing opponents AND team members. 35) It's probably a good thing I can't hear them laughing because it would trigger my uncontrollable sympathetic laughter which would result in multiple spawn deaths until I could compose myself again. 36) I like to say "JUDY CHOP!" when I melee from inside my bubble. 37) In my bubble melee frenzy I often Judy Chop my allies by mistake... thank god there's no friendly fire. 38) I have never attempted to Flying Ninjer Kick and Judy Chop at the same time... I've learned from Diemon Dave on YouTube that "There's not much call for a one legged Ninjer out there" EDIT: 39) Every time someone drops Orbs of Light I say "Oooh, a piece of candy" in my best James Woods voice and run over to pick them up. 40) If I REALLY need to charge a Super I say "Did anybody leave any candy laying around here?". 41) I have to choose between wearing my headset or my hearing aids... damn noise exposure from years of service to king and country. 42) I frequently wear my headset when nobody can hear me -_-

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  • Confessions of a 28 Titan with Raid boots. 1. Everyone else uses a scout rifl from across the map, yet I always have the last word. 2. When a sunsinger uses an almost instakill melee I respond with my shoulder. 3. I have Fist of Havoc'd in the face every strike boss on Weekly heroic for the kill. 4. I have punched every strike boss in the face and lived on the same difficulty. 5. When a Hunter accuses me of hopping I respond with that I am transversally moving by bounding. 6. If a warlock thinks they are smarter than me I respond by asking them to meet my little friend called my Invisible Hand M7. 7. When someone asks me if I can see the future I reply that I have an oracle made out of steel. 8. I have exploited the archon priest spot. 9. I went to the loot cave for a total of 10 hours. 10. My K/D ratio is 1.1. 11. I shoot Arc Bladers with my shotgun and stick them and laugh as they die. 12. On Nightfall I play YOLO which is why I've only completed two. 13. When I'm following a dude with no health I ask my friends to say Finish Him

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  • #29 alllll theeee waaaaaaay!!!

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  • i bet you solve all your problems with brute force too :P

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  • Why wouldnt we. Its the quickest way...

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  • [quote]You try and try and try to explain, but no one ever understands. No one who's not a Warlock. Who hasn't spent a dozen years scouring the ruins for one string of symbols, one clean code, one black talon. Titans just make a hmphing noise, if they've stayed awake. Hunters clean their nails with their knives and look at you like you've grown a third eye[/quote] ^this^

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  • Edited by RagedHalomaniac: 10/18/2014 2:41:33 PM
    But even you havent spent years and year scouring. More like a month. So you self-admittedly say that even you dont know why.

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  • Edited by Ryuu5oul: 10/18/2014 3:20:16 PM
    You actually managed to stay awake and make a coherent and sensible response. Very good. There may be hope for you yet. Not every warlock obtains knowledge in the same way, in my case, let's just say that I am a quick study, though still I search for those illusive symbols, and seek to understand the power that I wield. For understanding the complex process through which arcana is wielded is what it takes to be a Warlock. I began by comprehending the principles behind the Baryonic Sub-cosmic alignment which grids the known universe and connects Baryonic and non-Baryonic matter as well as energy to the Universal Spacial Entanglement Core (the true reason for the "Spooky Particle Effect") which is how we are able to "blink." We taught the hunters how to do this, though I doubt they comprehend, or care to comprehend such things. We must also consider the charged meson decay, which gives birth to electrons and neutrinos, and how by stabilizing this reaction, through the assistance of the Light, we were able to create Arc Light, which I am told the strikers of your order have become quite familiar with, if not necessarily the concepts behind it. The other classes have benefited greatly from the research of Warlocks, but do they care, that their powers, came from us laboring over old documents, experimenting, going to exhausting lengths for benefit of the Tower and the City? No... They just want to punch stuff.

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  • Falcon Punch!!!!!! Hulk Smash!!!! Fear my laser Face!!!! Shoryuken I have pushed my titans melee so far I now have laser face like Church KAAAAAA-MEEEEEE-HAAAAAA-MEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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  • See, my point exactly... lol

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  • Edited by TobyClone1: 10/19/2014 3:02:53 AM
    My point exactly, you send a nova bomb, punch it right back at you or absorb it into my force barrier and armor of light. you got a sniper, i got a shot gun and super speed, you launch a bomb I death from above punch you in the face. You read books, I'm testing my limits, you buff your defense I punch through it instantly you try to punch through mine, you get sent flying. You fight The Templar you die, I beat him to death when the glitch that makes your weapons disappear occurs. You cast a spell I interrupt it. You try to snipe I crash your party with my invisible hand and if that doesn't work Grif is in the warthog. you try to gun me down I spin on my sparrow pull out my launcher and send you flying. You start spamming grenades I stick you with one And yell 3 points you dirty whore. You punch from 5 feet away I do the 1 inch punch. You try to shoot me but I'll always have the last word. Lots of puns and references in that lol

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  • Indeed, and quite the representation of the downfall of your order, hubris. Do not worry, when we meet on the battlefield I will be glad to give you a lesson in humility.

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  • Edited by TobyClone1: 10/20/2014 11:10:02 PM
    Well I guess I will just have to use the art of war and Agent Texas to defeat you. But if there's one thing I know: no matter how chatty you are I'll always have The Last Word. My steel oracle predicts you burning and screaming. And I know you'll be scared when my invisible hand pats you on the back. P.S. Inspect my character's weapon and you'll get the pun

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  • P.S.S. watch Red vs Blue and you'll get the references. It is a very funny show which starts getting a better and better plot line after The Blood Gulch chronicles.

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  • I too have not enough friends who play. I haven't bothered finding others in game to raid because I can't dedicate the time to doing it all at once and play at sporadic times that would make it very difficult schedule follow on with randoms. I don't retire for 4 yrs. If destiny is still around maybe I can finally raid.

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  • I agree, whole heartedly, with #10. I want people to think, "Oh, hey, that's UR1E's old space ship. At least he's color coordinated."

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  • You sir, are a legend!

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  • Yes, I too yell Awesome Sauce & Crap on a stick (see my earlier post in this thread) even though I never use those in real life. My wife teases me mercilessly because of this :)

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  • Edited by AlohaSniper: 10/18/2014 11:01:02 AM
    [quote] 2) I wish there was open communications with PvP Fire Teams and a proximity Comms with enemies just so they could hear me holler "FALCON PUUUNCH!"[/quote] This one got me rolling! I would laugh tooo hard if I got killed by this when someone yelling "FALCON PUUUNCH!"

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