originally posted in:DadsofDestiny ArchAngels
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I am a Level 24 Hunter, and have put in a request to join the ArchAngels. I was looking into clans, and this one really looks good since most people are on PS4 and are all dads with similarly crazy schedules like myself. I like doing PVE mainly, but when I don't have longer than 30 minutes or so to play, I will do some PVP and try to get some legendaries or exotics. I usually play for about 30 minutes in the morning before work on weekdays, and on weekends whenever I can find time. Feel free to add me on your PSN friends list. Just put DoD somewhere in the message, so I know it's cool to accept the invite. Gamertag: geminismith TimeZone: CST
Have a great day Angels!
Welcome geminismith! It seems we have 99 clanmates at the moment, so you should be able to get in! Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield.