Hi, I am looking for a team of six to do the Vault of Glass with on the Xbox One. I've completed the raid 3 times already with my friends but they always appear to have a full team if I don't get on in time. Each time I've done the raid I've usually been put on sniper patrol in the 2nd part. I don't know how to use the relic that much b/c I've never got the chance to use it. My character is a level 29 Warlock Voidwalker. I would like if the people that do respond to this to have a strategy please. My gamertag on Xbox One is the same as my name on here, "DooplisTheGhost." I live in the Eastern time Zone and I have school on week days till around 3:40 my time. Thank you to those who reply.
Yo my gt is diontesbunz, I'll prob be on today 230pm eastern time zone. I've been the relic holder for the past two raids I've done, so I know how to use it. Also know when the chests are.