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10/14/2014 6:09:38 PM
-Zelda: The entire franchise minus windwaker. If you had to choose one, tie between link to the past & ocarina of time (Though I really did enjoy Majora's mask too) -Super Mario RPG & the Legend of the Seven Stars...before there was paper mario, there was this masterpiece. -Bauldur's Gate II...closest thing to playing D&D on a cpu, over half the game was optional content. -Tetris...just try and argue that one, I dare you... - Mario Kart 64...there was no other racing game for a long time that could compete for the fun you had while playing. -Metal Gear Solid...before the internet, if you tossed the box it came in, you were -blam!-ed! -Skies of Arcadia...overall enjoyable rpg with a long story & fun ship battles. -Goldeneye...another one I don't think I have to explain... -Jet Set Radio Future...I use to skate & the graphics were something else I had never seen before this. Also if you went for 100% completion, it was HARD. -Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning...This title was overlooked by most, but if Bungie put in as much effort in the story as RA Salvatore did for KoAR, I could see destiny on my top ten. Kingdoms had flawless combat and a tree system were every spec was viable, dependent on your play-style. Only issue was the story was a little convoluted. They were working on a MMO sequel, but KoAR sales didn't meet their expectations and the project was abandoned. Why is destiny not on here? See last game.

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