I'm a hunter but i dont use super...not because it's cheap or anything I honestly think it's fair...
Do you know why I don't use super?
It is because I am the cheapest kind of hunter you will ever meet...I WILL SHIT on your dreams of having a fair crucible match... I will wait until your team almost has a chance at winning then i will come like hell itself with a fireteam of 4 people each wielding their own pocket infinity... you might win... you might beat us...but we will not stop till you feel the very frustration of playing a FPS game....
I will wear you and tear you with my pocket infinity automatic fusion rifle... and when that's not fast enough i will blast you to hell with my invective.... if that's not good enough i will straight up rocket launch your ass to kingdom come... and when worst come to worst i will camp the HELL out of that sweet innocent poor terminal A and when you try to cap it i will make sure that every single snipe is a headshot....
and when all hell breaks loose... i will arc bolt grenade your ass then melee strike it just to make sure you get the message..
when all that is done... when you are lying dead....i will stand over your body... and i will TEABAG YOUR GHOST till my fingers are sore from tapping O ......I WILL DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF SATAN WHILE WATCHING YOUR POOR GHOST SCREAM IN TERROR
Enjoy your matches mates :D good luck and have fun ^.^
This thread is stupid. you need to go fap or something. I just gave 3 minutes of my time to a sexually frustrated tween. Seriously tho, go to sleep.
AWWWW YEAAA....i stole 3 minutes of your time.... on your death bed you will have 3 less minutes that you will have better spent doing something else... T H R E E M I N U T E S you will NEVER get back.... just like your KDR after playing a match with me and my buds :D