I used to be a guardian like all of you, then this thread bumped me in the knee.
Great posts bring great people. You don't see hobos at the Grammys.
Well said Sir, i humbly agree with your statement.
Now I have to go play skyrim again
Haha, go and chase that dragon buddy, it had a great storyline but i never got it.. You have the soul of a dragon, and spent ll your time.. well errr, killing dragons..
To get more dragon souls of course!
That's just a little selfish.. i also loved that you could place a bucket over shopkeepers heads.. i have been wanting to this on destiny with the sweeping robot NPC. Destiny Y U NOT MORE LIKE SKYRIM
At least in skyrim you can look at the mountains, and then go climb them. In destiny the scenery is like a museum. You can look, but it's still no touching
Yes, it's true, but i am sticking with this, despite it's flaws and shortcommings repetitiveness, and son. Not because i'm a fanboy, i just have some OCD when it comes to seeing things trough, to the bitter end. Commitment
Or more like watching a train wreck, you want to leave, to be anywhere else but you cannot stop watching.. lol
I can understand. I will probably love Bungie for much longer. Been playing since Halo CE on the first Xbox. I feel like this is a relationship. We're having an argument now, but it'll clear up soon.
You guys are great.