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10/4/2014 1:44:50 PM

Still Bee...any updates

I'm noto one of the lucky 53% who doesn't have bee errors anymore and I'm one of the stupid morons that still hasn't sold this malfunctioning game. So I'm still dropping with #bee errors from almost every crucible game. Any update on the situation? When are you going to implement the " change that will help better identify and adapt to the player's connection to potentially reduce the number of disconnects due to this error." ??? (

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  • Edited by Limerax: 10/5/2014 7:53:33 AM

    Started a new topic: Constant outages, bee, fly, coconut, centipede(1 Reply)

  • The new update has actually made things worse for me. Previously, I have been able to play PvE, missions, patrols, etc, just fine, with a very rare BEE error. After this october 7th update, this game has become completely unplayable. I get kicked within 5 minutes if I try to do anything. I don't know about all the people that this update was supposed to help, but this update has definitely hindered others. After all the years of experience with halo matchmaking, I would have expected bungie to be on top of network issues.

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    5 Replies
    • We are still actively testing potential solutions that could reduce BEE errors. That said, it is an ongoing process. If you have followed the steps to troubleshoot your networking setup, your best bet is to keep an eye on @BungieHelp for updates as we make changes to improve the experience of our players. Sorry it is frustrating. We are putting some of our most talented veteran engineers on this issue.

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        I am still getting bee error I cant complete a crucible match how am I supposed to get my ironbanner items? if I cant complete an iron banner match without disconnecting?

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      • I can play everything but crucible cant ever finish a game

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        • Im getting this error too, bee. Its been in and out. My connection is fine and im hardwired to everything. Its pissing me off to even trust this company to run a game

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        • What the X am I playing crucible without any lag, then kick me out of the server suddenly? This is ridiculous!!! I'm not paying to see this BEE!!!

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        • Yep, me too. Kicked from the Crucible with the BEE error every 4 or 5 minutes. Where's the progress report from Bungie? How long before they fix their buggy servers? Another week has passed and they still have not fixed this issue. There are thousands of us with this problem. It's not good enough Bungie.

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        • I get a bee error nearly every time I play the Crucible. I can play Battlefield 4 for hours with no issues but I get dropped within 5 minutes in a Crucible match. At this rate I can say goodbye to getting any decent loot in the Iron Banner.

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        • Same man. I can do strikes and missions USUALLY still get bee'd out every once in a while. But crucible? Forget about it. Im lucky to get a complete game in. Sucks getting booted when you're poppin off heads like its you're day job 5 minutes into every match!!

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          2 Replies
          • This is Soooo annoying!! I've been patiently waiting but now the game is simply that frustrating that it has become unplayable, please sort this out.

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          • I cannot even connect to a crucible game before the bee error comes. I feel you pain man!

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          • Same here. Bee ends most crucible games and occasionally the tower. Only game that ever drops me. Making it almost impossible to progress, gain gear, compete bounties. Have seen no improvement from patches to date at all. Really great game ruined by terrible network issues.

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            2 Replies
            • Same here. Didnt happen in the beta, tons of bees in crucible and sometimes from the tower too. Cant play crucible for more than 5 minutes without getting kicked. Got my ports forwarded, tried DMZ for the xbox one, dropped my MTU size down so that there was 0 packet loss pinging I'm not big on pvp but i have 3 exotic bounties all requiring crucible participation. I'm still hopeful theyre working out the kinks behind closed doors... But with every passing day of no acknowledgement is concerning...

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            • Played a few Vangaurd Tiger strikes.. not that these are exceptionally hard, just frustrating since I get #bee errors on every final boss. The last time, we actually killed the guy and THEN I got disconnected with #bee before I could collect any loot. SO FRUSTRATING. Won't see any compensation for the wasted time though. Doubt I'll have anything in my inbox in-game.. haha

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            • I get the same error as well in the tower (sometimes) in every crucible game type except for salvage and the raid. It's extremely annoying because I can't even enjoy the full game.

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            • Edited by DarkSideofYeRoom: 10/5/2014 7:00:56 AM
              Is it just crucible you get kicked from? I can't even do a freaking story mission without getting sent back to orbit with bee error....+strikes, raids, patrol, every frackin thing. Not exaggerating either....I've lost track of how many bee errors I've gotten because it is everyday, on every activity. Fcking hundreds of times Restored factory default settings on my router and now it's even worse. Not that there's much comparison as I was getting bee error every 2 min when I had my ps3 in DMZ, ports forwarded, googles dns anyway. Now I'm getting kicked before even leaving orbit. WTF!!! I've tried every variation of those and it still won't work. Called my ISP(AT&T) and there is nothing wrong with my connection to the internet on their end. So WTF IS THE PROBLEM?!

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              • I can connect to servers perfectly fine, I just get the bee or fly error whenever I try to go to the tower, do a strike, or try the crucible.

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              • Soy de mexico y tengo el mismo error, desde que salio el juego no he podido jugar un solo dia sin el error bee y solamente queda esperar que bungie saque una actualizacion o de respuesta de como solucionar esto, la verdad que si es angustiante no poder jugar mientras demas gente si puede jugar sin problemas, esperemos se solucione pronto #helpbungieerrorbee!!!!!!!!!!!!

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              • Let's hope that tomorrow's update it's going to fix these problems. Fingers crossed

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              • Edited by mele74: 10/5/2014 6:05:19 PM

                Started a new topic: I've fixed my bee connection problem(1 Reply)

              • Edited by R1ND3RW4HN: 10/5/2014 6:40:46 PM
                Thanks, same problem here... I suggest bungie to contact Microsoft or other game publisher for fixing this problem... It shows that bungie has no experiences Sorry bungie Is not Ok. 53 percent? Because the Most people give up playing destiny

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                1 Reply
                • I'm at a loss. My Xbox One is configured correctly, running 100mb line, but I keep getting dropped with the bee error. Friends find it funny that I get dropped with the code saying my connection failed, all the while we are all still talking in party. I get it in main game and crucible. Hard to show a company support when I get blamed for their server drops.

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                • When we have more information on the BEE error we will report it to the help page you linked..

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                  1 Reply
                  • Any news? The forum is dying down (I guess a lot of people resold this shit after a month A MONTH of problems that should have been addressed immediately.

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                  • Caterpillar errors a dozen times, every single day since launch. Sometimes 20 a day, sometimes 5 a day... We have no recourse. Bungie is generally silent on their broken servers. We bought the game already, so why should they give a -blam!-? They already got our money.

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