How did you come to think the vegan argument is "kill all the animals"? It is, quite on the contrary, "[b]stop[/b] killing the animals". Although I suppose you can distort this claim to prop up a straw man if you wish.
Also, I don't appreciate the offhand "freak" insult. If you have confidence in the substance of your argument, you shouldn't need to resort to such childish tactics.
As I said, animal farming is a major cause of world hunger. It also contributes an enormous amount of greenhouse gases. Info below. This is not a minor problem at all, and it is dishonest to simply reduce it to "what you eat".
Actually, by your statement of "most of the crops go to the animals", I could assume you mean stop feeding the animals, thus killing them.
Again, propping up a straw man. The solution is to stop [i]breeding[/i] animals, so they effectively cease being killed. Of course, there are millions of animals that currently reside in farms, and I am not advocating releasing them into the wild. This is a messy situation that will be messy to clean up. But it is inarguably better than letting the mess continue. I provided plenty of informative links in my edit above.