originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
As dads I know how hard it is to commit to playing at a specific time an date. But lets attempt to get at least two Eight man fire teams together - I know the VoG is for six people, but with eight we are likely to still be able to account for dad time occurrences that will prevent us from playing
In order to do so - Please list the time and day you can most likely COMMIT to the VoG. I will try to arrange for and schedule the fireteams on your behalf.
I work 48-hour shifts with 4-day offs in between so my day off periods start to "drift backwards" every week, meaning I won't have the same day off after several week rotations... anyways, when I am off duty I am in Man-Cave mode and play to my heart's content! Just message me or join me in-game. GT: JhunA266
I am available for long stretches on Friday and Saturday night. Serious Face is the gamertag. Got a level 27 hunter, both classes maxed.
Friday/Saturday are my big blocks of availability. 28 warlock, both skill trees maxed
Punish145 (add me) 28 Titan Striker/Defender maxed 18 Hunter Gunslinger, almost ready to be blooded! Around 7:30pm PST If a roster can be created we can try to get group or two on Tuesday. We had a few guys who only got shards in the VOG. Keep that in mind when you get in. Regardless, the VOG is the single most enjoyable time I've had gaming in 29yrs.
I can play evening during week 6pm - as long as needed ( GMT ) and weekends say 8pm - as long as needed but please give me adds GT: RakiReid2010 i have Hunter 27 nearly 28 both classes maxed and Titan 26 (Work in progress)
I'm usually on between 5:00-18:00 MST. 7:00-20:00EST. Saturday and Sunday. Level 28 Hunter. Gunslinger maxed, Bladedancer maxed. Blade preferred for invisible revives.
I am on from 8pm-12 est usually. Weekends are hit and miss but can plan/ask for permission in advance.
I'm up for the challenge! LVL 28 Titan! If i'm on, I will join any VoG attempts!
Edited by paidwhitefang: 10/3/2014 5:23:26 PMI'll be on all day Saturday level 28 ss lock and void all maxed
Edited by Majik Mushroomz: 10/3/2014 2:37:22 PMI'm usually playing a few nights out of the week between 2200 and 0100 EST (can go a bit longer if needed). I can adjust to a particular day if there is time to plan for such things, just can't commit to being on EVERY night at those times... Currently lvl27 Warlock - both void and sun subspecs are maxed out so I can play either role dependent on team makeup (dps vs. support)... I haven't checked the raid out yet either, so I don't know any specifics on the bosses, but I has a mic and I can learn... /highfive
I can play with majik mushroomz at the same time any night is good with me. I'm with another clan doing raid tomorrow so I will have experience and I have warlock lvl 28 both sub classes maxed. I suggest 2 Titan 2 hunter and two warlocks one of each I have worked on it with people on the final boss and this set up worked best but we has 2 lvl 26 which hindered us. Lvl 27 should be min but 28 is preferred.