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originally posted in: Reasons to go vegan.
10/2/2014 10:52:32 AM
This is probably one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read. You need to seriously do some more research before you alter your lifestyle like that. You for damn sure need to do some more research before you start cramming your lifestyle choice down other peoples throats. Almost every little "fact" you ramble off in that list is blatantly made up. Your little info graphic is cute and everything but do you honestly think there is any scientific evidence that exactly 19% of global warming is caused by meat packing. There isn't even any scientific evidence that "climate change" as it is now being referred to, is caused by humans at all. Protein is all you need from meat? Are you kidding me? Talk to a nutritionist or at least your doctor about that one. Fishing nets are destroying the reefs? I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on this subject by any means but as an avid diver I have watched several documentaries on the dangers to our natural reefs and not once were fishing nets ever mentioned. Logging (which causes silt run off into the ocean) and "climate change" were the biggest culprits. I'm going to cut this short because I've probably exceeded your attention span and that of the internets. Myself and 99% of the population will continue to consume and enjoy eating meat, as the universe intended us to.

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  • Edited by Pendulate: 10/3/2014 8:36:46 AM
    This is addressing points from the several posts you've made here. 1. He was undoubtedly referring to greenhouse gas emissions, which are in the vicinity of 15% of all emissions globally -- more than every car, truck, train, ship and plane combined.'s_Long_Shadow So yes, of all the environmental concerns, animal farming ranks very highly. I am not interested in having a discussion about climate change -- I am merely presenting the facts. Furthermore, 60% of the world's grain and 70% of soy are fed to livestock. If you understand trophic levels, you should see how inefficient this is. We get, at best, a 10% return from their meat. Thus it is not only an environmental concern, but a humanitarian one. 2. I hope your comment claiming "the universe intended" us to eat meat was purely rhetorical. If you actually believe such a claim, I am rather stunned, and suggest doing some research into the process of evolution. 3. The 5 nutrients in your link can all be obtained through fortified foods and supplements.

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  • I'm fairly certain his incorrect info graphic is referring to methane gases, which make up approximately 18% of green house has emissions. Obviously, not all a product of livestock farming. I'm not sure how you can argue that human beings as we exist today are not designed, through evolution, to consume, yeah. And lastly you lose points for obviously not even reading the article I posted, which very clearly states numbers 4 and 5 cannot be supplemented for and also states that while a vegan can "survive" it is definitely not optimal for your health

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  • Edited by Pendulate: 10/3/2014 9:42:58 AM
    The link I provided says otherwise. Livestock farming contributes to the total greenhouse gases in the same vicinity. I did not at all say that we didn't evolve to eat meat. You are moving the goalposts. I fully acknowledge that we evolved the capacities to better extract energy from meat, thanks to evolutionary mutations. This has nothing to do with the universe "intending" us to eat meat. Your article is simply wrong. DHA supplements are available (i) and carnosine production, while endogenous and not necessary to supplement, can be increased by consuming beta alanine. (ii) It is a fact of basic nutrition that all nutrients can be obtained from non-animal sources. A vegan diet is more than viable to achieve optimal health. i: ii:

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  • We all know for sure there are a lot of methane gasses coming from livestock and we know the transportation of animals and their food and keeping the animals warm during winter is VERY bad for the environment. The exact number isn't important, if you just think rationally, you see it's bad. You can get all nutrients from plants and supplements and before you start saying it's healthier to feed supplements to animals, then eat the animal than eating supplements directly, first think that over again. I'm sure there's a type of netting, that goes over the bottom of the sea and destroys a lot of stuff. Like the universe intended to? You're one of those people who live like nature? Never go to docters and stuff?

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  • Man made climate change is bullshit

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  • You watch a lot of Fox News? Lmao

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  • Lol making assumptions? One volcanic eruption pollutes the atmosphere 4x more than we did across our entire existence. The Earth is heating up, but we are still coming out of an ice age, as there is still perma-frost. Man made Global warming was made as a political weapon. It used to be Global cooling too btw

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  • Edited by OddJob117: 10/3/2014 2:24:08 AM
    I find your lack of knowledge... Disturbing

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  • I find your brainwashing even more disturbing

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  • In all seriousness, anyone with any brains whatsoever knows that climate change is real and happening, I suggest you do your research before making arrogant statements in forums

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  • Climate change is real, but it's not caused by man

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  • So, one of two things has happened here. Either your reading comprehension has failed you, because no one ever said anything about climate change not being real. Or your written communication skills have failed and you and what you meant to say is "Anyone with any brains whatsover knows that HUMAN CAUSED climate change is real and happening." I'll assume the latter is true, and attempt to enlighten you because I have actually done a fair amount of research on the subject. It's important to point out that it takes some quality critical thinking in addition to research when looking into this issue, and by critical thinking I mean being careful not to step in the bull$sh1t. The reason you have to be careful is a great majorty of scientist claiming a lot of the false information are doing so because they are paid by government grants to perform their research, so they come forward with altered or misrepresented information to keep the grant money coming in. Here are some facts (things that are real and can be proven)... 1. The president of Green Peace came forward and confirmed having reported false information regarding the melting of the ice caps in order to "alter public opinion". That's a direct quote, he actually said he fudged research data and published false information in order to "alter public opinion" 2. The Earth has gone through numerous climate changes prior to humans even existing. 3. Scientist's have yet to prove in any way shape or form global warming is caused by Humans. Sure, you'll hear a great deal about the number of scientist that are "behind" human caused global warming. But this is only because that's their freaking livelihood. They know if it's proven that climate change is just a natural occurrence (as it always has been) the grant money will stop coming in and they'll be out of a job.

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  • Of all the things harming the environment right now, you really think cattle ranches are that high on the list? And live like nature? what does that even mean? I was simply stating our bodies, through the wonders of evolution, are designed to consume meat. We're not gorillas or...what was your other example? buffalo's or something, we're not buffalo's either. Imagine what would happen if you put a tiger on a vegan diet, it would be miserable, it would get sick, and it wouldn't be natural because tigers need meat (just like we do)

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  • It's not about the ranch itself, it's about all the food you need for the animals. It's the 21st century, we don't listen to our body, when we have alternatives, when we can replace walking with cars, why can't we replace meat with plants that give us the same nutrients? Can you prove to me that's unhealthy?

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  • You CAN'T replace what's in meat with plants. Try learning about what happens to carnivores when you put them on a plant diet they either get really sick or die.

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  • I'm alive and healthy.

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  • I'm starting to lose interest in this, so I'll just give you this....

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  • Just this.

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  • Meat is my favorite type of food. I LOVE chicken, burgers, steak, pork, roast beef, salmon, crab, lamb and many others. Don't listen to this guy. More for us. ^-^

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  • ...

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