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originally posted in: Proof that Bungie cut content
9/29/2014 11:14:19 PM

I just back to my desk from the corner of our studio where they are finishing The Dark Below. Those of you who help yourself to the Expansions will be required to download an update.

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  • Edited by WG TheGreat: 11/15/2014 8:57:06 PM
    [quote]I just back to my desk....[/quote] Deej confirmed illiterate. Content was cut. Thanks Activision. Don't pretend it wasn't and try to be a bit better at your job as community manager.

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  • Please add a function to disable aim assist, adjust music/SFX volumes, broaden the look sensitivity, and add a function to adjust ADS sensitivity.

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  • An explanation as to all the cuts to content in the last year of production and how we ended up with what we have over what was advertised at e3 would be nice DeeJ before the ship completely sinks, we know there was alot more to this game then and that it all went down hill after Joe left

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  • And why don't you stay at your god damn desk until you guys fix this game.

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  • Because this isn't Battlefield 4. It isn't broken. Just not what you prefer.

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  • You're right, Battlefield has more variety but shittier net code. Fanboy plenty of things are broken, stop being butthurt because people want issues fixed, by the way I actually enjoy the game, dumbass.

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  • Edited by CALL ME SUSHI CUZ IM GOIN : 9/30/2014 10:09:57 AM
    Woah woah dude, that guy was neither but hurt nor disrespectful. No need to call him a dumbass he stated his opinion and it is was respectful and well-manner one please try to follow suite.

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  • How about you give us a video game that has a better story than Minecraft and isn't chopped to f*cking pieces... C*nt.

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  • #EffDeeJ

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  • Um....oh well? Seriously, am I supposed to be upset about this. I mean sure, spending more money isn't nice, but it's not like the expansion pass is out of this world priced. Everyone needs to stop making a shitstorm out of this, [u]it's just a game.[/u]

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  • the "It's just a game" argument from people like you is why we have games like Train simulator 2014 allowed to exist where the game and all of it's content is like over $3,000 because they charge the same price for digital content as you do to buy REAL handmade train set pieces. "It's just a game" is a terrible and weak argument to make to justify letting the gaming industry change their mind on content that was intended for the base game and instead put it behind a paywall. What's just a game to you, is just piles of cash to the devs earning twice from one thing.

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  • It's not like that, I will never support a game as ludicrous as Train Simulator, it's still not very nice when Bungie pulls this, but it's not devastating, people overreact and jump to conclusions all the time, these forums are just like that too, in my eyes though, in the end, it's just a game. Nobody likes what they did, but people should just find peace with it and move on.

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  • [quote]I just back to my desk from the corner of our studio where they are finishing The Dark Below. Those of you who help yourself to the Expansions will be required to download an update.[/quote]. Is that a threat?

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  • Accept Rocketman's challenge

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  • Edited by Adam: 9/30/2014 12:36:14 AM
    What about King's watch, The seraphim vault, The bunker? You know, fully fleshed out areas that are locked off to players... Is that gonna require me to pay more? People are jumping to the conclusion that the game has been chopped up to sell as DLC, and surely you can see why this is. Now I don't want to believe this, but the evidence is quite damning. The story is empty. I just doesn't add up at all that a company with Bungie's track record, a massive budget, and a 5 year development cycle could only come up with this. I know that developers have to keep their cards close to their chest, but right now, a large portion of the player base is feeling betrayed and ignored. I know you're just doing your job and being thrown to the angry mob is no easy task, but communication would go a long way.

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  • Edited by SwimmingIT: 9/30/2014 12:01:37 AM
    Not only is the game utter crap but so is the support. No phone numbers to call and no way to put in trouble tickets. My matchmaking goes in and out all day to where I'll get stuck doing strikes by myself or sit in queues for 30 minutes looking for 5 other players. And I can't even call and complain or get advice on how to fix the issue. Thank you bungie for making the top of the gaming world as the worst support team.

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  • Look here DeeJ. I really don't want to sound like an ungrateful little shit, but at this point its probably going to sound like that anyway. Lets look at what was done right with destiny first though. 1. Shooting mechanics and movement mechanics are awesome. 2. The game is amazing graphically. 3. I don't think I have ever had an experience with a multiplayer raid on a console (except for maybe borderlands but you really can't call that a raid). Props for that. 4. PVP is great and a lot of fun when I don't get disconnected. 5. Playing with friends is quite a bit of fun on this game. That's really all I have. Now, lets look at what was done poorly. 1. Lack of content. I remember installing 20 GB of a game. What happened to the other 16 GB? 2. Lack of player interaction. 3. Lack of trading. 4. Your loot system is very flawed. 5. Your cryptarch system sucks. 6. Why do I keep on getting disconnected from your servers in the middle of a raid or in a PVP match? Problem isn't on my end. 7. Story line. Or should I say the lack of one that actually made sense. I know you guys had the entire original story cut a year ago. Not sure if it was because the story writer that quit had rights to it or if Activision made you cut it. 8. Repetition, repetition, repetition....... Everything is repetitive in this game except for maybe the crucible. 9. Your biggest mistake. You signed a contract with the devil of gaming. Otherwise known as Activision. There is a reason I do not buy the CoD games anymore. Activision is that reason. 10. Banning people because they are accessing content already in game. This is a big no-no. I'm sure you guys could have prevented those "unfinished" areas from loading, just like you disabled the scripts and plugins for them. You didn't cover up your "mistakes" properly. 11. There is no sense denying the fact that there is locked content on the game disc. This is not a 20 GB game, and judging from what I have seen you are doing for DLC this game cannot ever be a 20 GB game, and yet I installed around 20 GB to my hard drive. It makes no sense unless there is locked content on the disc. No matter, someone will most likely break the disc encryption eventually and take a peak at all of it, even if that would obviously be illegal. 12. I distinctly remember certain things from the gameplay at e3 2013 that is not in the final product. I understand that the entire original story was trashed, but there were certain locations that we saw fully modeled, textured, and scripted that are not in the final product. One such area was obviously in the rift. And low and behold, the 2nd DLC has rift locations, even though that area looked completely done a year ago. So DeeJ, you have to understand that there are quite a few inconsistencies with what you are saying. At this point, all I really want is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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  • I feel the same way entirely, and have the same issues with the damn game like many others that aren't blind mindless sheep following a company.

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  • I've enjoyed it so far but money is tight but if their is more cut scenes with out the helm then I'd get the money to buy it. I'm pleased so far but the servers still need some work but are a lot better than launch. I enjoy your riddles but when it's a serious question about spending more money its agitating to hear a vague answer. Please make a DLC that is free because if its good then it's going to draw more players to buy the DLC. With all the patches still yet to come I can see why you are being vague but please cut back a bit. In the next weekly update please give a up front statement about DLC and what will be in it. Don't say "it's worth the money" TELL us what is in it, TELL us where it is and the levels you have to be to do missions.

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  • No one does this for love and passion, every one whants money.. thiefs!

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  • This comment isn't even proofread

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  • Edited by burritosenior: 9/29/2014 11:47:54 PM
    You're still being vague, though! Deej, every complaint is coming down to one , single core question that, if answered, would solve almost all issues: Are these expansion in locations we have yet to see, or are they locations that are already known, such as King's Watch? If the answer to this question is the former, then without telling us any details of these locations all of Bungie's PR problems would be solved just with a simple 'yes they are totally new areas.' If the answer is the latter... well, then I suppose there will be plenty more disappointment going around. The latter seems like the most likely scenario given the vagueness, the leaks, etc. But I would love to be surprised.

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  • DeeJ, Stop being defensive. For once, can the people at bungie crawl out of their holes and admit that they fûcked up?! Why don't you stop listening to what is "trending" and what "sells"!!! Be true to what you intended. If it comes from your heart and is made with the passion that you guys have, there is absolutely no doubt it will do well. This game was supposed to be your baby. Distilled from the essence of what makes a bungie game a bungie game. But instead, we were given a barebones husk of a turd that has been reworked and tweaked so many times that you could barely distinguish it from the idea. you let all of your fans down. You can't be trusted anymore. You've succumbed to the enticement of the corporate enterprise... Never in my life did I think I would say this, but bungie is part of The Man. You compromised your integrity not only with your fans, but with yourself. You are a group of such talented, beautiful, creative people. It's so sad to see all your hard work go to waste.

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  • Glad you guys are hard at work making more content.... Although to don't want to believe it I'm sure that if that leak didn't happen.... That's all we would have gotten:/

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  • And will there be "free" additions like missions and the sotrs. (Just as a reference like how gta has those free content updated). Or will it be more like the queens wrath at the moment

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