There was also a map location that you could glitch into that GUESS WHAT! WAS FUTURE EXPANSION CONTENT! Just like many other places.
and no one cared back then, they found it neat and interesting and knew that it would be future content they would have to pay for on top of paying $15 a month.
That's wow this is destiny.
So it is okay for blizz to do it but no one else even though people pay about $180 per year on subscription fees?
Edited by Randall116: 9/29/2014 3:31:45 PMThat's because anyone those played WoW knows it takes a lot longer to progress and there is ridiculous amounts of content. By the time you even get to playing the first DLC pack you've probably sunk well over 200hrs if your playing for fun and not grinding.
No. Base game has story that no one gives 2 shits about and once you start doing dungeons in lfg you will be just grinding those till your eyes bleed. Quests are always the same, kill 20 mobs, collect 20 items from killing mobs, ect. The quests don't vary much from mob kill orders or fetch quests. There's raids and dungeons and pvp Destiny has story people want to know more abot, has strikes, usual kill order missions or scanning, has a raid and pvp. The only thing this game doesn't have at base unlike wow is lvl60 and a huge world to cater all those levels for 2 different factions. Also wow looks like a ton of content now since it has had a number of expansions that people had to pay for along with their $15 a month. So sure if you spend over $100+ on the game down you can have a ton of content for a month before you realize you are pay truckloads more for more content in a year than dlc content buyers.
Yeah but WoW had loads of content, story and lore back then, destiny doesn't ;) And I wouldn't really call that hidden room content. But keep trying to defend the game though, and keep bending over for activi$ion ;)
No it didn't, and they always continue to release content because people pay a sub or else people would stop playing.
No it didn't, and they always continue to release content because people pay a sub or else people would stop playing.