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Edited by Zhevrun: 9/29/2014 12:30:09 AM

Suggestions for enriching NPCs/Story

I have been playing a fair bit, and browsing the forums when not playing (which isn't very often). I like the theories about the story that have been taken from the grimoire cards, and in general I like deeply engaging stories and character interactions. All of that said, I would like to suggest that more characters be given the same treatment that Lord Shaxx has. Allow me to explain: I've played the Crucible quite a bit, and every match is commented by Shaxx. His voice is easily recognizable, and has a lot of personality. His comments give you insight into the type of character he is, and when you hear him spout one of his lines ("You're light is stronger than this, Guardian: [b]show [/b]them." "I could have used your skills on the field. Well done.") they all fit the story that is told about him in-game and out of the game. He is, by far, the most fleshed-out NPC in Destiny and surpasses both the Ghost and The Stranger through strength of his dialog alone. The patrols are incredibly lackluster, but they at least introduce some of the major characters via fully voiced interactions. If Bungie were to take this to a more defining level with the Missions and Strikes (both redoing the past missions, and in all future content going forward), we could get a lot more exposition simply from voice-comms from the various factions leaders (Arach Jalaal, Lakshmi-2, Executor Hideo, the Vanguards) explaining situations and mission goals and offering banter between the [Race/Sex] Guardian Voice Actor and Dinklebot Ghost. These dialogs could set the tone for missions, enlighten the players as to what they are doing and why, and give distinct personalities to the npcs. I desperately want to know if Arach Jalaal is a cowardly nihilist running from the Darkness with the Dead Orbit Exodus, or if he is a driven visionary who strongly believes that only death awaits being trapped on Earth in the City, and he is recruiting like-minded 'survivors' who will do anything in their power to survive. What is so secret about the Future War Cult if every guardian knows it exists and has a basic idea about what their goals are? That brings me to my next point: the patrols are incredibly weak at both story-telling and being the basis for faction-reputation driving. Why does completing missions for Lakshmi and the Future War Cult or Amanda Holladay give me rep with Dead Orbit when I'm wearing their cloak? Likewise, some of the missions don't seem to have much relation to the faction giving them out. There should be at least one, though preferably more, substory missions (IE: the little circle-type missions that didn't progress the main story) tied directly to the main factions, that give an amount of reputation based on difficulty run. The Vanguards are driving most of the strikes, so they are already taken care of. Hell, I even put in an application with Bungie if they are looking for more story-writers. I like the setting and lore of the game, and it has incredible future potential. It just needs some fine-tuning and some passionate love. The future awaits, Guardians. Eyes up!

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