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9/26/2014 9:25:22 PM

My Two Cents on the new Hot Fix...Some Okay...Others...Not So Much...

Lower cost of ascendant materials for upgrades


Undo your recent meddling with the Queen's Wrath


Have ascendant materials easier to come by


I sincerely hope someone at Bungie reads this… As I logged onto destiny yesterday, I had begun reading the latest news on the iPhone app for Destiny. Not to my surprise, they had finally addressed the Treasure Cave (also known as the Loot Cave, Cave of Wonders, etc.). Now I wont sit here and say that I never used it and good riddance, because I did. I used it to level up the Cryptarch, in hopes of getting fair trade for my engrams (a futile gesture I discovered). I will say however, that I am not mad at Bungie for “fixing” it. I was exploiting an irregularity in the spawn algorithm, and fully expected Bungie to address it at some point. The second part of that hot fix that caught my attention was the “fix” of the ascendant materials coming from the Queen’s Wrath kill orders. This one, I did take issue with. I could understand if it was a loophole where you got the coveted ascendant materials for nothing, but the fact was that it required, in my opinion, an equal amount of effort to get 2 or 3 shards. Let’s go over the facts: After completing a sometimes lengthy Queen’s Bounty in the Crucible or through story or patrol (especially that 200 headshot one, it takes a while), you were again tasked with a kill mission, which, depending on which one you got, could be pretty challenging. At the end of all of this, you were guaranteed a legendary item, be it an armor piece, class emblem, whatever. Now if Bungie had designed the reward system for the event so that you wouldn’t get the same item twice, I could understand that. However, after I completed 4 bounties and kill orders, I wound up with a chest piece and three helmets. WTF Bungie. The Vanguard armor and the exotic helmet I have put me at lvl 28 and the stats for those are almost identical as the ones for the Queen’s, with the exception of the resources I had already spent on my other armor. Now comes my main point: Bungie, if you have a problem with people getting ascendant materials fast, because they are supposed to be rare, I have two suggestions for you: • Lower the material costs for upgrades Or • Put the Queen’s Wrath fix where it belongs, in the Recycle Bin on your desktop. The problem with your system is that it costs so much to upgrade armor and weapons that people have resorted to destroying “legendary” items in the game to get these items. That should tell you something about the imperfections in your reward system. There was a fair amount of effort going into obtaining these items to break down into materials, and now, like so many others I have read about and talked to, we now have no reason to do Queen’s bounties (I have 4 kill orders siting in my inventory), especially for those of us that are close to the level cap. I find it a little ridiculous that, having close to 36 hours in my first character, that I cant even get the materials I need to upgrade my gear anymore, except hoping for the random drop from public events or a strike playlist. Unacceptable Bungie. This is how you lose customers. I will continue playing, however, in the hopes that someone will see this and make a change. Destiny could be a great game, but taking away the little things like this will not earn you any points in my book. I also will ask you this, Bungie: What reason now would I have for doing the Queen’s Wrath event if the gear is worse or the exact same as my current gear (minus the upgrades to the gear I already have)?

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