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9/24/2014 4:14:11 AM

Fan Fiction to brighten the mood

BEFORE DARKNESS Written by Justown aka FF2Lfootsoldier Vanessa woke to a pleasant day. The sun beams through her window and hits her in the eye as she squints and rises from her bed waking her partner as she rustled out of the sheets. ‘Phsy, are you awake?’ she ask’s gently Rolling over to face Vanessa ‘Good Morning beautiful’ he replies with a smirky grin on his face. ‘Look out the window it’s a sunrise unlike any I have ever seen before.’ Vanessa walks arouse the wooden floor boards placing her hand on the side of the window and leans her forehead against the glass staring into the distance. ‘What do you mean, the sun rises just like it always does every day’ Phsy states promptly and rolls back into bed. ‘The colours I’ve never seen these colours in a sunset before’ Phsy groans and as slow as possibly wearing nothing but his briefs he takes lazy steps and stand behind Vanessa holding her by the waste resting his head on her shoulder and looks out the window. He stares for a moment and his face changes from a grumpy tired leave me along look to a shocked but mesmerised state. ‘WHAT The….’ ‘I know what is it?’ Vanessa steps back and walks outside to the slanted oak tree on the hill there house rests upon to get a better look. The horizon glistens red and purple beams of light shoot through what appears to be a black smokey cloud as the light passes the cloud it illuminates a colour that resembles an amethyst stone. The cloud constantly moves and morphs into shapes unlike anything before, almost like the cloud are alive. The moment was shortly ruined by the sound of passing military vehicles rumbling dirt shifts around Vanessa’s feet as the as the roaring engines draw closer. The dust from the grass lifts and forms a cloud making it impossible to see anything as Jets dance through the sky barley off ground level. Phsy sprints outside and grabs her hand worried to see what is happening. ‘What is going on?’ ‘I don’t think that’s just a cloud’ Vanessa replies and grips Phsy’s hand tighter. ‘Do you think it’s safe here?’ She said with a tremble in her voice. ‘If we were in any danger at all I’m sure someone would come and tell us to leave’ Just before he could finish his sentence a Helicopter descends from the sky and blows the dust aware into a circle vortex surrounding Vanessa Phsy and the helicopter. A man with large metallic boots steps off the Helicopter ducking his head so he doesn’t hit the roof as he exits the helicopter. This man appeared to be massive his 7 Foot frame stood tall as he was a safe distance from the helicopter blades and places his hands on his hips. This man was wearing a majestic space like battle suit which appears to have been through many battles, bullet holes around the shoulder plate and arm guards were too many to count. The scuff marks on the suit greatly disguised the dark purple colour of the armour. The visor from his helmet disintegrates as if it was projected from the helmet. ‘You guys need to come with me, you have 60seconds to grab what little you need and get into the Heli’ his square strong jawline locks into place when he has finished speaking. Vanessa screams to speak over the loud roars of the metal war machines flying in the sky ‘Who, who are you! And whats going on! This is my home we cannot just leave!’ ‘A Darkness is coming and you don’t want to be here when it arrives. I don’t want to be here when it arrives’ The dash inside and grab all the clothes they can carry from the top shelf of their cupboard drawns and stuff them into a plastic bag. Swinging open there door they leap into the helicopter and strap themselves in, Phsy struggles to get his buckle to snap into place as his hands tremble. Vanessa reaches over and locks it into place instantly and sits back into her chair smiling at phsy as if to say everything will be ok. The moment the seven foot mysterious man steps into the helicopter a ball of blue energy strikes the side of the helicopter sending it flying into the side of Vanessa’s house braking apart the walls he goes flying into the kitchen smashing against the kitchen cupboard doors one of the doors breaks off onto the ground alongside him, Unconscious he lays there. Vanessa exits the helicopter and passes the cockpit to see the pilots body rested on its side without a head blood soaked windows of the helicopter caught fire and spark flew past her face as she continues to seek shelter inside her house. As she looks back to hold Phsy’s hand tears in her eyes she cannot see clearly through her water filled eyes. She blinks a few times to try and find Phsy only to see him stuck in the seat of the helicopter trying to unbuckle his harness. Screaming he gets frustrated and finds it harder and harder to undo the buckle. Vanessa slides along the floor boards towards the helicopter to help him only to see a big red beast standing on the other side. Phys between them both she is torn on what to do, this beast stares her in the eye its scaley skin red as blood, eyes yellow and empty glowing as he stares at her promptly. He arches his right leg and digs his foot into the ground and leans forward slightly Vanessa leaps to the side of the helicopter tipped on its side and tries to reach into unlock the buckle. The beast has begun to bolt at Vanessa at full speed wielding a sword what appears to be made of bone. Vanessa reaches as far as she can through the side of the helicopter shards of glass dig into her shoulder but she doesn’t stop finger on the buckle she struggles to reach the extra length needed to push in the release. Suddenly she is forced back as the beast runs into the helicopter not stopping the force and speed he runs causes the helicopter to explode into a ball of flames. Vanessa half dazed unsure what has happened shakes her head and looks up to see what once was a helicopter a ball of black ash and fire meters high and out of the fire the body of the beast emerges and he still bolts towards Vanessa. Raising his sword wielded hand above his head preparing for a swing Vanessa closes her eyes only to hear a large smash. Darkness…. Vanessa only see’s darkness to scared to open her eyes unsure if she is actually dead or not. She sits there for a few moments eyes closed before she realises she is unharmed. Slowly opening her eyes she sees this 7 foot giant soaked in the blood of the beast as it falls to the floor with a twelve inch blade sticking out of its chest, the moment the beast hits the floor it turns to ash then light and vanishes infront of her eyes. Desensitized Vanessa still sits eyes widened not wanting to accept she has just lost the love of her life at this present time. ‘He’s gone to a brighter place, he would want you to come with me’ as this man reaches down to grab her hand. ‘My name is Carlos, I need you to grab my hand and come with me now.’ She refuses to move for a while before reaching up to grab his hand. Once she grabs his hand he reefs her up and swings her onto his back to carry her looking around to find a weapon getting frustrated at being unable to locate anything within the rubble he exits the house and stand apon the hill where Venassa’s house now sits partially demolished fire slowly consumes the house as they look around the ground surrounding the hill only to find the whole ground consumed in blackness. There stood millions of dark creatures standing shoulder to shoulder chest to back all the way back to the horizon. Carlos spins on the spot with Vanessa on his back only to find there is no entrance. A red beam charges in the distance and shoots towards them both only to penetrate Carlos’s chest the beam exits his chest only to get Vanessa in the stomach, she passes out quickly as her and Carlos both fell to the ground. ‘Am I dead now?’ Phsy says to himself He coughs to clear his throat as he didn’t sound like himself to himself. ‘F*ck, whats wrong with me?’ he looks down and see nothing. Just bright light surrounding him. ‘Where the f*ck are my legs!’ he cries looking around to see he cannot see himself. Phsy had the sensation of falling as he dashed freely in this bright light space only to be stopped by a strong dominates voice. ‘Greetings don’t be alarmed little light’ the voice spoke to him, as he searches for the origin of the voice. ‘Where are you, Where am I?’ he replies ‘You were consumed in darkness, But I brought you to the light to save you and your love’ ‘Vanessa! Where is she I can’t see anything but a yellow glow?’ ‘You are no longer you Phsy you have left the physical world, but don’t be alarmed I will be sending you back, you have to seek your destiny.’ ‘I don’t understand. Am I Dead?’ ‘You were dead, but I have returned your soul, In order to save you have had to borrow your soul to operate a new form of life which will help bring the light back to what will soon be a world consumed in darkness.’ ‘What do you mean a new life form?’ ‘Take a look for yourself’ as a digital mirror appears out of digital particles forms in front of Phsy Shocked with the result Phsy sees what he has become. Floating on spot all he can see is a glowing light surrounded in a tiny metal shell which is held together with blue energy. As he moves around he finds he can expand his parts freely as if it was his own body. ‘What am I?’ ‘You’re a Ghost Phsy, you have left the physical world and I am returning you as a ghost, But there will be a catch. You are spiritually linked to another, this is something I cannot change, this person you are linked to has lost there way and has also become something different. They are the key to battling the darkness little light! And you must find them.’ ...Continued below..

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  • You mean Vanessa?’ ‘Yes unfortunately I have lost track of her she has vanished and I cannot locate her light. Only you can search for her light, you need to use your spiritual link locate her and help her find her way and remember who she is. I must warn you also she will not resemble the girl you once loved things will be hard for the both of you, but you the most as she may have no memory of what has happened.’ Before Phsy could ask another question he found himself in the ruins of his hometown, but looks like the town was wiped out months ago with no signs of life anywhere. ‘What now’ he thinks to himself looking around. ‘I guess now I search.’

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