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Edited by SolaireOfAstora: 9/23/2014 10:57:48 PM
[spoiler]// ==UserScript== // @name Dark Advanced // @namespace // @description A Style for that aims to fix many of the spatial arrangement issues of the site, while also keeping your retinas from frying. // @author Jx493 // @homepage // @include* // @include* // @include http://** // @include https://** // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { var css = "/*Toolbar*/\nheader {\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular', sans-serif ! important;\nborder-bottom: 1px solid #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Toolbar Logo*/\n.nav_logo .logo {\nbackground: url(\"\") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent ! important;\nheight: 54px ! important;\npadding: 0;\nvertical-align: middle ! important;\nwidth: 224px ! important;\ndisplay: block ! important;\n}\n\n/*Left Nav*/\n#leftNav .column1 {\nposition: relative;\nz-index: 3;\nwidth: 100%;\nheight: 100%;\npadding-bottom: 16px;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Left Nav Active*/\n#leftNav a.current:after {\nposition: absolute;\ncontent: \"\";\ndisplay: block;\ntop: 0;\nright: 0;\nwidth: 4px;\nheight: 41px;\nbackground: #3C3C3C ! important;\n}\n\n#leftNav a:hover, #leftNav a.current {\nopacity: 1;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n#leftNav .moreColumn {\nposition: absolute;\noverflow: hidden;\nleft: 185px;\ndisplay: block;\nwidth: 0;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\n-webkit-transition: 0.25s ease 0.35s;\ntransition: 0.25s ease 0.35s;\n}\n\n/*Main Page Fix*/\n.PublicForum .column.main {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\npadding-left: 175px ! important;\n}\n\n/*Thread Title Colour*/\n.forumPost .post_title {\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\ncursor: pointer ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular',Arial,sans-serif ! important;\n}\n\n/*Tags*/\ {\n}\n.forumPost .tags a {\nfont-size: 11px ! important;\ncolor: #C9C9C9 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Thread Title Backgroud*/\n.forumPost .header_post {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*OP Colour*/\n#post > .post {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Post Body Text*/\n.forumPost article .post_body, .forumPost article .post_urlLinkOrImage {\nclear: both ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular', sans-serif ! important;\nfont-size: 14px ! important;\n}\n\n/*Name Text*/\n.forumPost article h1 a {\ncolor: #F1F1F1 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansSemiBold',Arial,Sans-Serif ! important;\nfont-size: 16px ! important;\n}\n\n/*Avatar Inset Correction*/\n.forumPost article .avatar {\nborder: 0 solid #000000 ! important;\nbox-shadow: 0 3px 3px -1px transparent inset, 0 1px 0 #222222 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Post Border Colour*/\n.forumPost .post {\nborder-top: 1px solid #252525 ! important;\ncolor: #283139 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Reply Button Colour*/\n.forumPost .actions > a, .forumPost .actions > div > a, #commentPanel > a {\nmargin-left: 10px ! important;\nfont-size: 11px ! important;\ncolor: #A7A7A7 ! important;\n}\n\n/*QuoteBox*/\n.forumPost blockquote {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #080808 ! important;\nborder-color: #777777 #777777 #777777 #C0C0C0 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\n}\n\n/*SpoilerBoxClosed*/\n.forumPost .spoiler:after {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #080808 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\ncontent: \"Spoiler Alert - Click at your own risk\" ! important;\n}\n\n.forumPost .spoiler {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*SpoilerBoxOpen*/\n.forumPost .spoiler.opened {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\nborder-color: #7E7E7E ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nheight: auto;\n}\n\n/*Notification Bar*/\n.Nav_Top .panel .hgroup {\nbackground: #636363 ! important;\ncolor: #f3f3f3 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Messagebox Fix*/\n.Nav_Top .panel .mail_conversation .hgroup h4 a {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #636363 ! important;\ncolor: #F3F3F3 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Notification Dropdown*/\n.Nav_Top .signedIn .opened:after {\nbackground:[/spoiler] theres two parts read the reply

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  • Edited by SolaireOfAstora: 9/23/2014 10:58:10 PM
    [spoiler] url(\"\") no-repeat scroll center top transparent ! important;\n}\n\n/*Notification Indicator*/\n.badge {\ncolor: #FFF ! important;\nbackground: #969696 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansSemibold', sans-serif ! important;\n}\n\n/*Friends Online Indicator*/\n.nav_top .roster .dropTrigger .badge {\nbackground: #969696 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Comment Sort*/\n.forumPost .postSortMode a {\ncolor: #D3D3D3 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Nav Bar*/\n/*Followed Tags*/\n.nav_side a {\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\ndisplay: block ! important;\nfont-size: 14px ! important;\nline-height: 19px ! important;\nmax-width: 100% ! important;\noverflow: hidden ! important;\npadding: 0 18px;\ntext-overflow: ellipsis ! important;\nwhite-space: nowrap ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansSemiBold', Arial, sans-serif ! important;\n}\n/*Followed Backdrop*/\n.nav_side > li {\nlist-style: none outside none ! important;\nwidth: 100% ! important;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\nborder-top: 0px solid #3C3C3C ! important;\n}\n.PublicForum .column.left.side {\nleft: 0 ! important;\ntop: 0 ! important;\nwidth: 175px ! important;\nposition: absolute ! important;\n}\n/*Followed Title*/\ {\n}\nbody.Forum #mainContent h1, body.Forum #mainContent h2, body.Forum #mainContent h3, body.Forum #mainContent h4, body.Forum #mainContent h5 {\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular',Arial,sans-serif ! important;\n}\n.en #nav_tags h4 {\ntext-transform: capitalize ! important;\n}\n#nav_tags h4 {\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansSemiBold',Arial,sans-serif ! important;\n}\n\n.nav_side .btn_codeOfConduct {\nbackground: url(\"http://null\") no-repeat scroll 12px center rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) ! important;\ndisplay: block;\nheight: 37px;\nline-height: 37px;\npadding-left: 20px;\n}\n\n/*Adjusted Width*/\n.PublicForum .column.left.side {\nleft: 0 ! important;\ntop: 0 ! important;\nwidth: 175px ! important;\nposition: absolute ! important;\n}\n\n/*Beta Removal*/\n#betaLink {\nbackground: url(http://null) 0 50% no-repeat ! important;\n}\n\n/*Grey Bar Fix*/\n.PublicForum .column.main:before {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*View Entire Topic*/\n.PathView .btn_toEntireTopic {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #3C3C3C ! important;\n}\n\n/*Background*/\nbody {\nbackground: #000000 url(\"\") 50% 0 no-repeat fixed ! important;\n}\n\n/*Sub Nav*/\n.Sub_Nav {\nposition: fixed;\nz-index: 50;\ntop: 54px;\nleft: 60px;\nheight: 50px;\nwidth: 100%;\nmax-width: calc(100% - 54px);\nmin-width: 969px;\noverflow: visible;\nwhite-space: nowrap;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular', sans-serif ! important;\nbackground: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) ! important;\n-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;\ntransition: 0.25s ease;\n}\n\n/*Reply Counter*/\n.forumPost .btn_olderBlock, .Groups .forumPost .btn_olderBlock, .Groups .column.main .btn_olderBlock {\nbackground: url(\"\") no-repeat scroll 0 center rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) ! important;\ncolor: #ECECEC ! important;\ndisplay: block;\nfont-size: 10px;\nfont-weight: bold;\nline-height: 21px;\nmargin: 0 0 0 67px;\npadding-left: 19px;\n}\n\n.forumPost .btn_olderBlock.on {\nbackground: url(\"\") no-repeat 0px center ! important;\n}\n\n/*Title Border Fix*/\n.forumPost .post_info {\nborder-bottom: 1px solid #090909 ! important;\nmargin-bottom: 9px;\nmargin-left: 0;\nmin-height: 65px;\nposition: relative;\n}\n\n/*Banner Fix*/\n.PublicForum .header_body h3 {\ncolor: #fff;\nfont-family: OpenSansRegular, Arial, sans-serif ! important;\ntext-transform: uppercase;\nfont-size: 56px;\ntext-align: center;\nfont-weight: 400;\nheight: 180px;\nline-height: 290px ! important;\nletter-spacing: 30px;\ntext-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);\n}\n\n.PublicForum .column.main {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);\nmargin-top: 200px ! important;\nmin-height: 100vh;\npadding-left: 300px;\nposition: relative;\nz-index: 1;\n}\n\n\n\n/*Main Forum*/\n\n/*Thread Titles*/\n.topics .title {\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\ndisplay: inline-block;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular',Arial,sans-serif ! important;\nfont-size: 16px;\nmargin-bottom: -5px;\nmax-width: 75%;\noverflow: hidden;\ntext-overflow: ellipsis;\nwhite-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.topics .title:hover {\ncolor: #838383 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Followed Author*/\n.topics .followedAuthor {\nbox-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 #3C3C3C ! important;\n}\n\n/*OP Names*/\n.topics .author, .topics .author a:hover {\ncolor: #F0F0F0 ! important;\n}\n\n.topics .author, .topics .author a {\nfont-size: 13px;\ncolor: #838383 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Thread Divider Removal*/\n.topics li {\nborder-top: 1px solid #898989 ! important;\nlist-style: none outside none;\nmin-height: 35px;\nmargin: 0 1px;\n}\n\n/*New Topic*/\n.container_underHeader .btn_openCreateNewTopic {\nbackground: url(\"http://null\") no-repeat scroll 13px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) ! important;\nborder: 1px solid #090909 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nfloat: left;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansSemiBold',Arial,sans-serif ! important;\nfont-size: 16px;\nfont-weight: 500;\nheight: 41px;\nline-height: 41px;\nmargin-left: 4px;\npadding: 0 14px 0 14px ! important;\n}\n\n.container_underHeader .btn_openCreateNewTopic:hover, .container_underHeader .btn_openCreateNewTopic:active {\nbackground: url(\"http://null\") no-repeat scroll 8px center #090909 ! important;\nborder: 1px solid #090909 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4;\n}\n\n/*Current Tag*/\n.searchedTag {\nborder: 0px solid #E4E4E4 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nfloat: left;\ncursor: [/spoiler] if you don't know what this is i'll tell you

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  • press CTRL+SHIFT+J if on chrome and CTRL+SHIFT+I if on firefox and paste both parts there from start to finish then press enter [spoiler]you have to be on this site and you have to redo it if you refresh it gets rid of the bright wight screen try it[/spoiler]

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  • Oh Jesús christ what have you done to this thread

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