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Clan Recruitment

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originally posted in:PS4 Raid Rage
Edited by Backburner: 10/10/2014 2:33:41 PM


Clan Leader (Me) PSN: Backburner-666, 30 Hunter, & 26 Warlock Raids, Daily, Weekly, Nightfall. Post your PSN, Class, Current Level, and intentions here. Look here to find people to add for whatever, this will be much easier than doing so in the wall chat.
#psn #Clans

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  • PSN: Rodan79 Hunter: level 31 Warlock & Titan: level 29 I've never done a raid before, so I'd like to find some folks new to raiding to run one with, or some people to do the heroics and nightfalls with.

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  • PSN:Rainbowdomo 27 Hunter 3 Titan I need more people to play with,and raid with. (I also play Battlefield 4 and Battlefield:HARDLINE)

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  • Psn:RIPPER0B2 Hunter: lvl 30 Titan:lvl 24 Warlock:8

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    • Zenoswarm 31 hunter 31 warlock 31 Titan Crota n/h. VoG n/h Know all raid fights and have the dps, just on the hunt for ghorn. Hit me up.

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    • [quote]Clan Leader (Me) PSN: Backburner-666, 30 Hunter, & 26 Warlock Raids, Daily, Weekly, Nightfall. Post your PSN, Class, Current Level, and intentions here. Look here to find people to add for whatever, this will be much easier than doing so in the wall chat.[/quote] Psn: brando_baggins Class: titan level 30, warlock level 30, hunter level 31 Intensions: raids, weekly, nightfall. Have finished crotas end. Have done part of VOG.

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    • Edited by Monkey_Man0924: 3/22/2015 5:39:58 PM
      Psn monkey_man0924 level 30 hunter Just looking for a few people to raid with or a few people to do the heroic or nightfall with. I do not do crucible most of the time. I have basically never raided before. Just looking for a few more psn friends. Add me.

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    • 30 Titan Spartan_boy11

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    • zapper922 31 Titan 31 Warlock have done VoG normal and hard, Crota on Normal, usually on in the PM, not on a ton though due to university stuff. add me for nightfall/weekly and raiding.

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    • PSN: USAtlas99 Warlock 31 Titan 30 Hunter 18 34 year old father with a kid, so my nights are the best time for me. I have gone through both Crota & VoG. I have Raid gear and Raid weapons at the ready with at least 4 to 5 exotics in tow. I need to get over the hump of 31 and get more. Am a great team player and always listening to others and willing to help when I can. (Just so you know im in europe so I play on GMT time)

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    • Edited by In Cayde We Trust: 3/18/2015 1:20:53 PM
      daddy_got_game 32 Hunter 32 Titan 32 Warlock Have 2 Gallys, 2 hunger, many of the good weapons. Still need the patience and time. Have proper raid gear & exotics. Like to do raids, nightfall, heroic weekly & daily & roc strikes. Not huge on crucible but the mood might strike me from time to time. I am 35, married with two chidren. I prefer to game with adults, I find I don't have much patience for kids other than my own.

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      • Psn the_avenga56 Warlock level 30

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      • Edited by adi-matic: 4/6/2015 1:05:11 AM
        PSN: xXAdi21Xx Titan: 27 Hunter: 7 Warlock: 5 I'm 13 years old looking for people to do raids with me when in online and I'm not annoying. I don't brag or anything like that I think it's obnoxious to scream and stuff so if you are looking forward to do raids with me add me. I'm usually on at 6 on weekdays and I'm in the central time zone

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      • Edited by Dragneel__Uchiha: 3/9/2015 3:17:06 AM
        Ps4-Dragneel__uchiha, level 31 hunter and 30 warlock new to ps4 need help with the weekly daily and raids I've done the raids and is willing to play any raid anytime.

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        • Psn: NIGHTxWOLF888 Warlock: 32 Titan: 32 Hunter: 32 A raider who's looking 4 more raiders who can help me with any raid. I can also assist in nightfalls. I'll be on anytime but mainly 5pm-11pm for most days from Monday-Friday. Would be on for longer periods of time on central time.

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        • Vog PS3 need 3 people oracle checkpoint, experience preferred but level 28 and up accepted

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        • Add me for vault of glass or weekly The_Other_Cracks Lvl 31 hunter

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          • 30 hunter 30 warlock 28 titan.. looking for people to do raids and nightfalls before bloodborn comes out. Psn peacedreamer3

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          • Hunter level 30 I'd: bodbod69 Raids.

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          • Edited by TheCatboyCafe: 3/15/2015 4:17:50 AM
            I have a lvl 32 hunter I have yet to beat Crota on hard mode I need a team for tomorrow ill send a time later but my PSN is Jsherwin21 I have attempted this raid with several fire teams and I just can't beat it and it's really annoying me Btw I have the Crota checkpoint

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          • Edited by BrandonJackMaki: 3/15/2015 12:27:38 AM
            PSN: B-Mak16316 Titan 32 Warlock 31 Hunter 31 Im looking for experienced raiders like myself Add me

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          • Psn: deathstax35 Warlock 32 Hunter 30 Working on titan Im usually on friday - sunday. Im willing to do any raid besides vog normal (i find no point in it anymore). Im fully experinced with both raids and can hold relic on vog but im no good with the sword in CE. I will help out anyone that needs to do the nightfall or needs help with exotic bounties. Also i dont mind if you want to cheese any parts in the raids.

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          • Edited by PERS1D10N: 3/13/2015 6:45:25 AM
            Psn: PERS1D10N Warlock 32 Titan 31 Hunter 31 Just need helmet or chest for all 32. Have done hm VOG only. Various cheeses on Crota hm but looking for a legit weekly crew to learn and perfect both raids. Have gjhallorn , red death, black hammer, abyss defiant all maxed. easy going and playing destiny from day one. Best times weekends 6pm-1am week days GMT London. Add me as I usually solo nightfall and don't mind anyone joining me

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          • PSN: Strad_37 30 Titan 27 Warlock working on Hunter Available most days mid-afternoon to late night PST. Looking for raids, nightfalls, and strikes. Thanks!

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          • PSN: Liq0urUPfr0nt 32 Hunter 31 Titan 31 Warlock I'm usually always on, looking for groups to raid, bounty or play strikes with.

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          • Snakeman555 Warlock Lvl 28 Raids, Nightfall Looking for a place to find reliable people to raid with who will stick it out until the end!

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          • Edited by Jager507: 3/11/2015 1:00:04 AM
            PSN: xTrancewayx Got three warlocks. Lvl 31 set, full sunsinger/voidwalker Looking for a clan to raid. can't get raid gear alone. Active gamer, Play alot on fridays and saturdays. Hope i can join. Thanks for the time.

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