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Edited by eRic0095: 9/22/2014 7:41:34 AM

Issues & Inconveniences

Let me start by saying that i've enjoyed Destiny so far and have only ventured into the Vault of Glass just recently. I will leave out everything Bungie did well and focus on what needs to be improved. I am also aware that plans are already in the works to add a wide array of content. [b][u]Customization:[/u][/b] - Where is the facial hair? - Weapon shaders need to be added - Warlocks need gear that looks cooler. lvl1 Titan gear looks more badass than some Warlock legendaries (helms ESPECIALLY)... [b][u]Crucible:[/u][/b] - Map voting/skipping is a MUST add - Don't make the next map random, make them cycle. I've gone back and forth between Earth/Mars 5+ matches in a row... - Voice chat is a MUST add - Reward performance by increasing drop chances for 1st/2nd/3rd/etc place accordingly - Half filled games need to be filled faster! When 4 people leave at the beginning of a match, those spots should be filled within 1min [b][u]Story:[/u][/b] - Where is it? You introduced 5 meaningful characters (apart from self) throughout the whole game and the only name I can remember is 'The Speaker' (the others being our Ghost, girl who stalks us, awoken queen and her brother). This is an indication that your characters are not memorable and certainly not meaningful. I can remember Xur's name and he's just a vendor (actually the speaker is a vendor too lol) - Grimoire needs to be in game. I understand you wanted to drive traffic to your website but dayum did the story get destroyed as a result. It shouldn't be in writing to begin with, it should be IN the actual storyline itself as I play the story!! [b][u]PvE:[/u][/b] - Variety... where is it? Take patrols for example. There's maybe 3 different types of patrols (kill enemy [to get items], go to area [and scan], kill certain ultra). That means to complete a bounty of 6 patrols, i'm playing 3 missions twice over (if I get lucky)! How hard could it be to add some variety? ("Assassinate the target and escape without taking any damage", "A guardian was killed here, track down the culprit [follow blood trail]", "get mission beacon will just summon an ambush" etc). - Where's the rest of the game? Usually MMOs add content onto a game that already has a decent endgame/story/variety of stuff to do. You've released a prologue/trial/tutorial and expect people not to get a bit miffed? I thought for sure high level strikes would be brand new strikes, not recycled old ones with added difficulty... [b][u]Items/Loot:[/u][/b] - Glimmer has no purpose except spamming the cryptarch to level up. Give it one. - Bosses don't drop loot... *facepalm* I understand you reward us in the menu screen after but that's not enough. Loot needs to literally 'drop'. And not just off final bosses, mini-bosses too (devil walker, cabal lieutenant in tank). - Where those Ascendant Energy/Shards at? I think just increase the frequency of Public Events a bit more would help. - As I said before, reward performance on the reward screens. If I get 125 kills on a strike and joe and steve get 35 and 20 respectively, I should get a better CHANCE at better stuff. Multiply my odds of getting stuff by ([#kills+assists+orbs]/100]. So 125 kills would be 1.25% increase in odds of getting loot. Steve and Joe would get +0.2% and +0.35%... [b][u]Missing Features/Improvements:[/u][/b] - Public Events need more variety... The only one i've come across is the same one all the time. Kill the guy with a lot of health before he slowly walks and teleports away.. yipee... i think? (nope). - Trading... You can't claim to be an MMO-anything without it. - SKIP CUTSCENES! You want us to make one of each character right? Don't make us rewatch stuff then... - Match-make daily & weekly strike. This isn't a raid. It isn't hard. You just need 3 people. - Auto-dismantling certain items would be nice (uncommons/rares). - Boss gameplay mechanics need work. Many people have stated that bosses are just sponges. That's because it's true. Add interesting and unique mechanics for each boss. [b][u]Bugs/Glitches:[/u][/b] - Atheon bug. Reward screen is a no-show - Sunsinger super doesnt count towards bounty 'x amount of kills from super'. If I generate orbs of light in the Crucible or PvE... that's a kill with my super. - Giving us bounties that can't be completed (salvage crucible bounty). If you're going to randomly, repeatedly and needlessly cut out chunks of the game that I paid for whenever you feel like it, at least make sure you have the courtesy to not antagonize us with things like this.

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