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Edited by Grady Sk33ting: 9/15/2014 7:53:36 AM

Are Titans the weakest in the Crucible, or am I just worse than I think?

I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?

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  • Your just the worst.

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  • Edited by SpokeN: 9/17/2014 3:51:12 PM
    I usually come top 3 atlesst I do fine. I'm a Titan just seems there better people then you, maybe you'll get better at time though

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  • Titan defenders are tanks in crucible

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  • Edited by mldeatherage: 9/17/2014 3:50:01 PM
    I have a 24 Titan with near maxed skills for Striker and halfway for Defender. I agree that the Titan is a short-range killer. I agree, melee kills are by far the most types of kills I can get. On the Moon, Firebase...yeah, I get slaughtered. Matter-of-fact, anywhere that it's not close-quarters combat, I get slaughtered. Titan's are slow. Very slow and considering they're supposed to be front line defense, they aren't. Hunters, beat me down with that Blade dance stuff!!! It's ok though because I will punch your face off if you get too close. Now, I am not the best PvP however, pretty good. What I see, it's just as evened out as anyone else. Sure, you don't get massive amounts of kills but technically, that's not the point when you're a Titan. As odd as that sounds, it's true. You're a tank and tanks get hit. You're slow. Now, my opinion, if you're going to make a Titan Frontline Assault which is what Striker is supposed to be, then they are the weakest in PvP because of the extremely limited short-range combat. Defender class is kind of cool, I mean, I make it pretty high up in the leaderboards on anything other than Rumble and Deathmatch (pardon the term, everyone knows Deathmatch). That is because that shield is worthless when Warlocks have their super. I believe it's the Nova? A rocket will take it down also. What's the point of having a point defense if it can be destroyed immediately along with the unlucky souls who thought that shield would protect them? Seems stupid to me. If it's going to be that vulnerable, make it where kinetic weapons can be shot through when you're INSIDE the bubble. All that being said, patience and the Titan can be played with success. Patience and skill and experience will place you in 1st place. Titan is tough and personally, makes a HORRIBLE PvP character however, it can be done. I will most likely level a Hunter because those guys have wicked agility. Pretty odd considering a Hunter should be long-medium range killers however they are ridiculously fast up close. I mean fast. It's ridiculous. And that whole disappearing thing...Way to go is Huntard if you ask me. Titan's are bad ass in PvE though. I mean, bad ass!

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  • You're definitely right. But let me get something out of the way first. I play as a titan and consistently go positive. In fact out of the hundreds of crucible matches I've played so far ive probably gone negative less than ten times. Mostly messing around. But I almost always have a 2.0. I have a 24 Titan, a 15 warlock, and a 21 hunter on another console. I have a 50in halo as well while we're on it lol. Now I love my Titan the most because he's a Titan. HOWEVER. the Titan is definitely the weakest in PvP. Stop giving me that same bullshit about it having more armor and one hit punches. All armor in the crucible is equalized, its all the same. What's NOT the same is the speed, hunters and warlocks are still cobsiderably faster. As for the punches, every class has a two punch kill. Where the warlock can use his punch from a considerable distance and the Hunter has a pretty strong throwing knife, the titan just has a punch. Honestly to balance this it really should one hit kill but this won't happen. As far as supers. No one here is going to argue that blade dancer isn't overpowered. That shit is a train and needs to be nerfed. That being said, the golden gun from my experience consistently gets more kills than both the warlock and titan super. Don't argue that it doesnt.. Because it does. If you want two kills with the Titan super you need to wait it out and choose your moment. This often leads to not having as many supers in the match as you could as a hunter. You pretty much always get 1 kills, sometimes two. Rarely 3 or more. Hunters consistently get 2, and often enough 3. Not to mention the golden gun is auto aimed out of this world, I think I get killed by that more than anything. The warlock super to me is the same as the Titans but you don't need to be next to someone to kill them, which makes it a bit safer than the Titan. There's also the shield thing the titan has but the solution to that is to just not go in it lol. Not hard. This much is why I consider Titans the worst. The worst super, slow, lack of good melee, poor double jump, and weak grenades. That being said, I love how they look and I love actually using the super because I think it's fun. I really believe hunters are overpowered and need nerfing on both supers. Warlocks are fine. Titans need a definite boost. Ps: if you use a shotgun, you're probably a pussy :)

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    33 Replies
    • how to titan: sprint spam for shield and punch people in the face

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    • I'm a Titan and I -blam!- shit up

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    • As a hunter who usually goes 20-30 kills per pvp match i find that titans are my arch nemesis :p, not only are all three classes balanced but titans usually have the upper hand on 1v1's. The punch is strong, usually taking me down in a single blow and with proper execution and i get decimated by the special 9 times outta 10(with sheer luck i manage to avoid it). Their shield is amazing in objective modes as it lasts a while and shields them and teammates. All classes have their flaws. I find hunters to be squishy but ruthless, titans always seem like they are close range killers and you never want to mess with one 1v1 unless you too are a titan, and Warlocks are just decent... i haven't made one yet so i can't comment but from what i have seen warlocks are kinda that middle class with all around good stats and abilities, although their float jump leaves them very very very vulnerable to a seasoned sniper :p. PVP is pretty balanced in my opinion after i got used to the specials. It is fundamentally easy to pickup and play, just like a good shooter should be. As long as you practice your aim and stop worrying about whos stronger or weaker you will see results. Pull out a gun and fire from far away, snipe, use a shotgun in close quarters because everyone else is. Once you get used to the controls and how to win a 1v3 or sometimes kill a whole team by yourself will you truly see that the class doesn't matter. Its the player and their ability to read radar, jump away at the right time and aim for the head (more damage = more kills quicker = more raging players :D) My rundown is Hunter lvl 24. - I will be making all three classes within the next year as i hope to milk each guardian class as much as i can. primary: auto rifle secondary - shotgun / sniper (depending on the map.) heavy - machine gun since you get more kills for your ammo compared to rocket launchers. As an experienced halo player the game doesn't play the same and sure bungie made it so its similar but the controls are on a different level. Destiny is so much tighter and you couldn't ask for a game with better hit detection. Battlefield is the farthest thing from a sci-fi shooter so you cant even compare it, different game play different controls. On a final note. If you feel you haven't improved, although im sure you will improve over time, just enjoy the game for what it is! every game plays differently and if it's not your cup of tea then try to just sit back, relax, enjoy and HAVE FUN!

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      1 Reply
      • Titans? With all that armor? Nah, there beast!

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      • I'm a Titan and I kick ass.

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      • Edited by Lightsouz: 9/17/2014 7:24:24 AM
        People keep pointing out the shoulder charge and fist of havok. In order to actually kill with the shoulder charge you have to connect with the person your trying to tackle.Most of the time i get shotgunned before i can even connect. And for the times i do hit some one, i immedietly get killed by the 4 other enemies now at my backside. As for fist of havok.... its useless if they have even half a shield. plus the recharge time without the perk or really high discipline takes forever. Bungie, help us O.O

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      • Prolly been said a ton striker, shot gun, shoulder charge, super, it's a house hold name =p

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      • Yup, I play as titan cause it's really my only class. If it's anything they need to buff it's titan class. The only skill that helps get kills is the shoulder charge. Half the time I just get one shotted before it even connects. Standard melee is next to worthless, unless an enemy has no shields and half health it's pretty awesome. The super has enough problems as is. Terribly disappointed how bad us titans have it.

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      • Edited by MajorVladDracul: 9/16/2014 11:30:55 PM
        I have a level 19 titan and a level 14 hunter and I do better with the titan because I like it's playstyle better.

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      • If you think tha, wait until you get the shoulder charge, or as I like to call it, the NOPE SLAM

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      • only skill based. got both specs of hunter maxed and i prefer the bladedancer BUT: bubble titan? i'm dead. striker titan? if he got aim and Timing i'm also down. the only negative on titans is speed and that they can' use teleport which often saved my ass in pvp and pve. all just about playing a class u like playing. maybe the titan just doesn't fit on your playstyle? or r u using a gun which isn't really yours? i like handguns and pulse rifles but i think i'm a minority here. just play all classes and specs and find out which one fits u the most and makes u the most fun to play with. Icewolf out ;)

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      • I love my Titan. I usually do really damn well in Crucible.

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      • [spoiler]The Titan is the best because they have 125 health compared to warlocks and hunters[/spoiler]

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      • I'm thinking about switching to Titan cuz shoulder charge is so good. Try looking up some ways to set up ur subclass well.

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        1 Reply
        • I do feel like our super is on the weak side, but it does work out pretty well. It can get the kills you need. In terms of overall stats, everyone's the same. Only in the super do I think we're weak.

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        • Bc everyone who plays as titan suks dik, iz just a bad chhoice pleb

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        • well i'm a titan and i don't really like crucible nether, but i don't think titans are wekest infact i've play alot of matches and encounter some pretty dam good titan playes, titans actually work really well in objective types of games

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        • Wait until Iron Banner when our Defense and Exotics start to take over.

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          5 Replies
          • Many titans are amazing at the crucible, you may not be cut out for it

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          • Yu ish horridable at ze destenay get Gud skrub

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